Sustainable Software EngineeringMathias Renner, Ferdinand Mütsch, Johannes Rudolph, Robin Lamberti

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Before we dive into the content, let's get to know each other! The teaching team is introducing itself, so that you know who you will deal with in the upcoming two weeks!

Week 1

In the first week, we will see what the ecological footprint of digitization is. We'll discuss how digitization helps to prevent CO2, and also also see where IT causes CO2. Next, we will take a closer look at the roles that commonly exist in the IT industry (e. g. developer, IT architect, leader) to identify which opportunities for resource-efficient actions exist in each role.

Week 2

Based on the fundamentals learned in week 1, we'll discuss which barriers exist that hinder us from acting more ecologically in the process of software development. Then we'll see how we can overcome these barriers and find solutions. The main part of the second week covers solutions, i. e. examples to show what a developer in particular can do in the development of his software to act in the most climate-friendly way possible.