Training in IT and innovation. From experts. Free of charge. At your own pace.

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Lasse Medla, Alexander Junger

Willkommen zu unserem neuen Workshop-Format auf openHPI

Möchtest du eine der weltweit beliebtesten Programmiersprachen schnell und praxisnah lernen? Dann ist dieser Python-Workshop perfekt für dich!

In kurzen, verständlichen Videos vermitteln wir dir die Grundkonzepte der Programmiersprache Python – und das auf eine spannende Weise: Lerne Python, indem du ein Spiel programmierst. Am Ende bist du in der Lage, ein eigenes Spiel zu entwickeln und dieses mit eigenen Ideen zu gestalten. Mach mit und erlebe, wie viel Spaß Programmieren machen kann!

Der Workshop richtet sich an Schüler*innen ab der 8. Klasse und dauert ca. 2-3 Stunden. Es gibt die Möglichkeit, einen Teilnahmenachweis zu erhalten. Wir freuen uns auf euer Feedback zu diesem neuen Format!

Weitere Angebote für Schüler*innen findet ihr hier: Die nächsten Bewerbungsphasen für die Formate starten Anfang Februar 2025.

Der Workshop richtet sich an Schüler & Schülerinnen ab ca. 8. Klasse. Bei diesem Angebot handelt es sich um einen Workshop, der ca. 2-3 Stunden umfasst. Hierbei könnt ihr Teilnahmenachweise erhalten. Wir freuen uns über euer Feedback zu dem Format!

  • Feb 5, 2025 - Feb 18, 2025
  • Programming
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • de
  • en, de
Jennifer Fritz

Künstliche Intelligenz durchdringt zunehmend unseren (Arbeits)Alltag. Vor allem generative KI-Systeme haben die Masse der Arbeitnehmerschaft erreicht. Doch diese KI-Systeme sind nicht frei von Vorurteilen und Verzerrungen – sogenannten Biases – denn sie sind durch Menschen erzeugt. Diese Biases können zu diskriminierenden Ergebnissen führen. Das Erkennen, Verstehen und Bereinigen von Biases ist deshalb von entscheidender Bedeutung, um eine gerechte und ethische Nutzung zu gewährleisten und potenzielle Schäden von Teilnehmenden und Unternehmen abzuwählen.

  • Feb 12, 2025 - Feb 26, 2025
  • Big Data and AI
  • Record of Achievement
  • de
  • en, de
Vanessa Parli
Welcome to the "Sustainability in the Digital Age" series

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers transformative potential across industries, but its development and deployment come with environmental costs. The course covers topics such as the carbon footprint of AI models, methods for measuring and reporting environmental impacts, and challenges in estimating the sustainability of AI technologies. Students will gain insights into energy and carbon accounting, along with case studies demonstrating how AI’s environmental footprint is assessed. The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between AI and the environment, equipping learners with knowledge to contribute to more sustainable AI practices.

This course is part of the Sustainability in the Digital Age series, a collaborative project between colleagues from Stanford University, SAP and the Hasso Plattner Institute.

  • Mar 4, 2025 - Mar 18, 2025
  • Big Data and AI
  • Record of Achievement
  • en
  • en, de
Detlef Thoms, Manfred Mensch , Jonas Keil, Christian Golze , Robert Werlich, Richard Bremer
Welcome to the "Sustainability in the Digital Age" series

Digital systems offer a great opportunity to significantly reduce carbon emissions and can contribute to the efficient use of energy. However, all systems also need energy. This area of tension is addressed in the course: Sustainability in the digital age - Energy-Efficient Software Development. To effectively reduce the carbon footprint of digitalization, it is necessary to apply algorithmic efficiency and sustainability by design as guiding principles in digital engineering. We will introduce strategies to develop software that prioritizes minimized energy consumption through optimal coding and green testing practices. We will look at how the CO2 emissions of operating software applications can be measured and calculated. How to measure the performance and energy consumption of Large Language Models will be covered as well. Further we share approaches how to use advances in hardware technology and operate digital systems efficiently in data centers based on eco-friendly and cost-effective capacity management strategies.

This course is part of the Sustainability in the Digital Age series, a collaborative project between colleagues from Stanford University, SAP and the Hasso Plattner Institute.

  • Mar 25, 2025 - Apr 8, 2025
  • Enterprise Computing, Cloud and Operating Systems, Programming
  • Record of Achievement
  • en

Be curious.

Learn for free – anytime, anywhere and at your pace. Experts and partners from the Hasso Plattner Institute explain IT and innovation topics in an accessible way at university level.

Be social.

Become part of a vibrant, international and social learning community. Enhance your own learning success by actively communicating with other learners and the teaching team.

Be successful.

Acquire the latest knowledge and skills and shape the digital future. Find interactive courses on exciting cutting-edge topics for every skill level.

Offers for everyone - no matter what previous knowledge you have

Junior level: Two girls working on a laptop together

Courses for kids and teens

Whether you want to learn how a computer works, have always wanted to learn to program, or want to build your own homepage - at openHPI, you will find many courses we have developed especially for juniors. We also offer school versions of our programming courses every spring. The unique thing about these courses is that they don't run for a few weeks, as is usually the case on openHPI, but for an entire school semester. So you have enough time to complete the course or work on it in your class.
Beginner level: human sitting at a computer next to textbooks on Java programming and Fundamentals of Computing

Experience IT

With openHPI, you can get started in IT and innovation. Immerse yourself in the world of programming, learn about and understand operating systems, and protect yourself effectively on the Internet. Advance your career and take courses on teamwork, starting an IT business and design thinking. At openHPI, we support you in your personal and professional development so that you can keep up with the rapid developments of the digitized world. You don't need any formal prerequisites for the courses on openHPI.
Advanced level: Human programming on a laptop in a professional setting

Advance your technical skills

As a person interested in IT, you can continuously improve your skills on openHPI. Deepen your knowledge of the Internet and Cybersecurity, delve deeper into Design Thinking or prepare for the future with Quantum Computers. Learn how to program ecologically sustainable software, how algorithms work, and what Machine Learning is all about in our advanced courses. With the advanced courses on openHPI, you'll meet all the demands of the working world in the future.
Expert level: Woman working with laptop in a data center

Courses for IT professionals

Even if you are an IT and innovation professional, you are in good hands at openHPI. In particular, we cover tomorrow's topics, such as Big Data and AI, business and enterprise computing, and the future of the cloud at a senior level. As a professional, you can deepen your knowledge of quantum cryptography, algorithms and optimization. At openHPI, you can make yourself and your company fit for the future.


Shaping the digital future responsibly: courses, career and conference

Dear learning community,
In February, our course on AI bias will finally start. You can also look forward to the start of our new course series on sustainability in the digital age in March. In add...

From AI Bias to Python: The Latest Highlights at a Glance!

Dear Learning Community, A new year has begun, bringing with it opportunities for growth, exciting developments, and shared learning experiences. We wish our entire learning community a happy, heal...

AI Expertise: Courses, Insights and Events

Dear learning community,
In December and in the new year, we are turning our attention to AI! Don't miss the Profitable AI course with Elizabeth Press. In the podcast, HPI alumnus Alexander Kuscher...