HPI Talks

Self-paced courses

Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering

After a long period of travel restrictions, we are very excited to host the next EMOOCs locally again. The Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering welcomes you to our beautiful Griebnitzsee campus in Potsdam near Berlin. Limited participation will also be possible online (i.e. keynotes and talks will be streamed, but no online poster session, no online networking sessions).

For more information, please visit also our official website.

  • Self-paced since Jun 16, 2023
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • en
  • en
Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering, ACM - Association for Computing Machinery

All learning institutions have been forced to transform and redesign their learning methods, moving from traditional models to hybrid or complete online models at scale. This has shown clearly and rapidly, what already works in online education and what still has a ways to go. The learnings derived from praxis and research have been explored in EMOOCs /Learning @ Scale 2021 which took place completely online from June 22 to June 24, 2021.

For more information, please visit also our official website.

  • Self-paced since Jun 24, 2021
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • en
  • en, de
Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, Dr. Gaya Gamhewage, Heini Utunen, Richelle George, Mike Bernd, Sebastian Serth, Silvia Rathgeb, Martin Rademacher, Michaela Lämmler, Clemens Link, Torsten Hams, Lisa Ihde, Dr. Dirk Neumann, Silvan Verhoeven, Prof. Dr. Dirk Ifenthaler, Prof. Dr. Andreas Thor, Florian Sittig, Justin Reich, Sven Störmann, Dr. Thomas Staubitz, Andreas Dörich, Prof. Carlos Delgado Kloos, Lorna Richards, Christian Friedl, Dr. Agnieszka Zur, Prof. Dr. Agathe Merceron, Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle

Wie ein Brennglas hat die weltweite Coronavirus-Pandemie offengelegt, was in der Online-Bildung schon funktioniert und was noch nicht. Wer schnell etwas für die eigene und die öffentliche Gesundheit tun wollte, belegte Onlinekurse, zum Beispiel der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO. Und Beschäftigte, die ihr Arbeitspensum reduzieren mussten oder den Job gar ganz verloren, setzen nun ihre Hoffnung auf virtuelle IT-Lernangebote, um ihr Berufsleben zukunftssicher zu machen. Ganz zu schweigen von Lehrkräften, Jugendlichen und Eltern, welche mittlerweile – mehr oder weniger unfreiwillig - Experten für digitalen Schulunterricht in der Cloud geworden sind.
Im diesjährigen openHPI-Forum, welches erstmals virtuell stattfindet, möchten wir mit Ihnen diskutieren, wie Covid-19 sich auf unterschiedliche Bereiche ausgewirkt hat und erörtern, was mögliche Langzeitfolgen, was nur kurze Trends sind. Seien Sie dabei!

English version below

  • Self-paced since Oct 28, 2020
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • en
  • en, de
Johannes Reck, André Eggert, Christophe F. Maire, Naren Shaam

Meet the founders of DesignStudio, Flixbus, GetYourGuide and GoEuro as well as Berlin’s leading startup lawyer and seed investor. Over the course of two semesters the event series “Startup Talks@HPI” will feature startup experts and founders such as Paul Stafford, Christoph Maire, André Eggert, Jochen Engert, Johannes Reck and Naren Shaam.

The speakers will give advice about making a startup a success. They will discuss entrepreneurial topics such as ideation, business and legal fundamentals, product development, marketing, sales, funding and growth. The lecture series will provide first-hand information from speakers belonging to the inner circle of the German and European startup scene.

Unlike the other openHPI courses, Startup Talks is a pure lecture series (without exam and certificate).

  • Self-paced since Jul 31, 2020
  • en
HPI Team, Guests

In this new offer "Research Talks" you will find high-level Tech Talks from HPI's researchers and well-known guests who visited HPI for a colloquium or conference. Unlike the other openHPI courses, Research Talks is a pure lecture series (without exam and certificate).

  • Self-paced since Mar 15, 2020
  • en