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João Saraiva (University of Minho) - Energy efficiency of programming languages

Zeitaufwand: etwa 47 Minuten

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Read a blog-post version of this openXchange live talk here on Medium!

Choosing a programming language for a software project depends on multiple factors: Team knowledge & skills, the project goal, and efficiency. However, programming languages can also be compared with regard to their energy consumption. To find out how much energy different programming languages consume while executing the same tasks, João Saraiva and his team compared many programming languages on multiple benchmarks and measured speed, memory usage, and energy consumption.

João Saraiva is an Associate Professor at the Departmento de Informática, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, and a senior researcher member of HASLab/INESC TEC. He obtained a MSc degree from University do Minho in 1993 and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Utrecht University in 1999. His main research contributions have been in the field of programming languages design and implementation, program analysis and transformation, and functional programming.