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clean-IT: Towards Sustainable Digital Technologies

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Dr. Haojin Yang (HPI) - Predicting when it rains - EKAPEx project

Time effort: approx. 38 minutes

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About this video

Read a blog-post version of this openXchange live talk here on Medium!

Traditionally, weather forecasts are created through complex numerical computations, principally trying to model the physical and atmospheric equations that define our weather events. In recent years, however, scientists tried to apply Machine Learning models to predict the course of the weather and the probability for extreme weather events. To make these models as sustainable as possible, Dr. Haojin Yang and his team try to train binary neural networks to predict (extreme) weather events.

Dr. Haojin Yang receives his doctoral grade “summa cum lauda” at HPI in 2013. He has been group leader of the Multimedia and machine learning (MML) group at HPI from 2015-2019 and again since 2020. In the meantime, he received his habilitation and was head of the edge computing lab Bejing at Alibaba 2019-2020. Additionally, he also server as PC/SPC member for leading AI conferences.