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clean-IT: Towards Sustainable Digital Technologies

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Ralf Herbrich (HPI) - From Battery Research and Intelligent Housing to Energy-Efficient Machine Learning and Human Intelligence

Zeitaufwand: etwa 59 Minuten

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Über dieses Video

How can AI become more energy-efficient and sustainable? And how can AI be used to increase energy-efficiency in other fields, e.g. battery production? These and other problems will be at the heart of the newly founded research group Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability, which is led by Ralf Herbrich. In this talk, he introduces these topics, as well as some early results. In the end, he also presents a new student-led initiative from the HPI, that was first developed by Mei Lin Fung: Community Climate Clubs

Ralf Herbrich joined the HPI very recently, as he has been leading the group on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability at the HPI since May 2022. Previously, he worked in various positions at Zalando, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft. Ralf has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers and holds over 50 patents. He holds a PhD in Statistics from Technical University of Berlin and obtained his Diploma in Computer Science from the same institution.