Kurs im Selbststudium

clean-IT: Towards Sustainable Digital Technologies

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Tobias Gerbothe (OSP) - Towards Sustainability as a Corporate Paradigm

Zeitaufwand: etwa 53 Minuten

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Über dieses Video

In this talk, Tobias Gerbothe talks about the Otto Group Solution Provider (OSP) Sustainable Programming Initiative and how it helped to implement sustainable practices as a corporate paradigm at OSP. He addresses challenges such as the different perception of employees and the company strategy but also tools such as the cloud carbon footprint-measurement tool.

Tobias Gerbothe has been working as a software developer at OSP since 2015. There, he is committed to establishing sustainability as an integral part of all corporate activities. He is currently working on building a platform that will provide knowledge and technological tools to help colleagues incorporate sustainability as a significant aspect of decision-making.