Sustainable Software EngineeringMathias Renner, Ferdinand Mütsch, Johannes Rudolph, Robin Lamberti

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1.4 Savings with IT

Zeitaufwand: etwa 7 Minuten

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Über dieses Video

Video description:

We discuss the potential of IT to save CO2. According to a recent study published by Bitkom, digital technologies enable us to save enormous amounts of CO2, precicely one in five tons of CO2. There is potential for savings in several sectors, such as manufacturing, mobility, energy etc. The highest potential for savings according to the study is in the sector of buildings and smart grid.

Recommended Reading:

  • Summary presentation of Bitkom study (in German): "Klimaeffekte der Digitalisierung", esp. chapter 3, 4 and 6
  • If you have much more time, read this extensive study by the International Energy Agency providing more details about saving potentials