Sustainable Software EngineeringMathias Renner, Ferdinand Mütsch, Johannes Rudolph, Robin Lamberti

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1.8 Perspective of Users

Zeitaufwand: etwa 11 Minuten

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Über dieses Video

This lecture looks at the perspectives of users towards sustainable software engineering. It introduces the example of a software update delivery service that serves an illustration for engineering practices and stakeholder perspectives covered in the following lectures.

Recommended Reading

  • Fagan, M., Khan, M. M. H., & Buck, R. (2015). A study of users’ experiences and beliefs about software update messages. Computers in Human Behavior, 51, 504-519.
  • Morris, J; Becker, I; Parkin, S; (2019) In Control with No Control: Perceptions and Reality of Windows 10 Home Edition Update Features. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Usable Security (USEC) 2019. NDSS Symposium: San Diego, CA, USA.