openHPI Summer School

Welcome to the openHPI summer school!
You are taking part in one of our re-activated courses, or you would just like to connect with other learners during the summer? Then you are in the right place!
Share your experiences in the discussion forum and have fun learning!

Самостійне навчання з Вересня 15, 2021
Мова: English

Інформація про курс

This course is mainly meant as a discussion corner for everyone who takes one of our re-activated openHPI courses.

Here's the list of all recent courses, in which you can take again the graded assignments and gain a record of achievement:

If you participate in at least one of our re-activated courses and enroll in the summer school course, you will get an Open Badge which you may want to share via Social Media.

Campaign #shareyourbadge
Have you already completed some openHPI courses with a record of achievement? Check your profile to see which courses have earned you a record of achievement and an Open Badge.

  • Share your Open Badge(s) publicly on as many social networks as possible and write briefly what you like about openHPI or which course you would recommend. The more often you share your badges, the greater your chance of winning.
  • Don't forget to include the hashtag #shareyourbadge.
  • Now fill out the survey in the Summer School course and add the links to the shared badges - done!

With a bit of luck, you could win an iPad Air and other attractive HPI prizes (coffee mugs, socks, thermal mugs).

Зарахувати мене на цей курс

Курс є безкоштовним. Просто зареєструйте обліковий запис на openHPI та пройдіть курс!
Зарахувати мене зараз


Кінець курсу
вер. 15, 2021
Початок курсу
лип. 26, 2021


Цей курс отримав у середньому 5.0 зірки від 9 голосів.

Вимоги до сертифіката

  • Отримайте Відомість досягнень, набравши не менше 50% від максимальної кількості балів за всі оцінювані завдання.
  • Отримайте Відкритий значок, закінчивши курс.

Для отримання додаткової інформації див. інструкцію з отримання сертифіката.