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In this course we want to explore the origins, goals, development path and fakes of Blockchain technology that have emerged along the way. More specifically, we will take a look at the initial idea of Blockchain and how it works. Then, we will examine which evolution it has run through from a decentralized registry to a world computer. Participants will get to know the challenges of Blockchain and Blockchain alternatives. Last but not least, we will explain how you can successfully use blockchain.
Between 15M to 39M search results offering an explanation of the blockchain on various search engines, up to 5M views on youtube have been reached by some videos on this subject, 1.8M members counts reddit Bitcoin community, some youtube blockchain channels have up to 277K subscribers. Information overload. Subconsciously, our attention is drawn to the reports that polarise: from “Blockchain - a Game Changer” and “Blockchain Revolution”, to “Has Blockchain Hit The Wall?” and “What's Blockchain Actually Good for, Anyway? For Now, Not Much.” The scary stories about Blockchain being used by criminals are common.
Like a snowball where new reports refer to earlier ones and everyone, consciously or unconsciously, adds their two cents, a new myth “blockchain” is born.
In the past, legends and myths were mainly passed on orally. Thereby they have changed from speaker to speaker. A “true core” surrounded by fantastical embellishment is still a popular and everyday form of storytelling today and leaves its traces right up to our digital age of social networks and “fake news.” Only difference, the number of storytellers and the time it takes to spread the story increases dramatically. The narrative structures are transparent, anyone can intervene in it, however, a challenge is to evaluate the truthfulness of these information.
We have faced the challenge and revealed the myth surrounding blockchain technology for you. The origins, goals, development path and fakes of blockchain technology that have emerged along the way will be explored for you in this course. More specifically, the course deals with the following topics:
The online course is aimed at those who are interested in the topic of blockchain, have already heard the term blockchain or bitcoin and have perhaps already made the first steps towards dealing with the topic.
None. However, you will profit from prior experience with basics of cryptography and decentralised networks and the first basic experience with the topic of blochain or bitcoin as this online course is targeted on reflection of common experience.
You can easily obtain this knowledge through self-study on our platform. Find a way that fits your time resources.
Here you can find more on topic of cryptography
2019 - German - Datensicherheit im Netz – Einführung in die Informationssicherheit;
2021 - English - Confidential Communication in the Internet.
Our book "Blockchain. Hype or Innovation" goes beyond the information given in the course and provides a comprehensive overview of blockchain technology. It focuses on the innovation of blockchain technology and the advantages it offers. In addition to detailed explanations of the origins, technology and implementation of blockchain technology, the book deals with the analysis of blockchain characteristics, such as decentralisation, security and scalability. We also look at numerous projects and best-practice examples. Available in English and German.
If you have no previous experience with the basics of cryptography or decentralised networks, you can easily obtain this knowledge through self-study. Find a path that fits your time resources.
Tatiana Gayvoronskaya (Master of Science in Business Computing, 2013) has been worked in research on blockchain technology, identity management and IT security at the HPI since 2016. Her professional and research experience includes technical aspects of the blockchain technology with its possibilities and challenges as well as its public awareness. She has investigated how companies and the public are familiar with the technology, where they get their insights and how they use them. Together with Prof Dr. Christoph Meinel, she has already developed and implemented a MOOC on the OpenHPI platform on the topic of blockchain, which was heled in July 2018. The survey previously issued by Tatiana Gayvoronskaya and Prof Dr. Christoph Meinel was the basis for the MOOC. With this experience, she supported and accompanied another course on the topic in 2019.
克里斯托弗·梅内尔教授是德国波茨坦哈索·普拉特纳研究院(HPI)院长。他是德国国家科学工程院 (acatech) 院士、计算机科学领域正教授(C4)并负责领导HPI互联网技术和系统研究组。他的主要研究领域包括未来网络技术,特别是信息安全和Web 3.0之语义网,以及社交和服务网。同时他也积极参与新型互联网应用的建设,专注于电子教育、远程教育和远程医疗领域。此外他也活跃在“设计思维(Design Thinking)”这个新的研究领域。他早期的研究工作主要集中于计算机科学领域的基础理论研究,如计算复杂度、基于有序二叉判定图的高效算法和数据结构设计。
克里斯托弗·梅内尔教授同时在IT系统工程领域和HPI设计思维学院面向本科生和硕士生授课。他是北京工业大学计算机科学学院名誉教授,是上海大学客座教授,也是卢森堡大学跨学科中心SnT(安全和信任中心)资深研究员。从2008年以来,他和斯坦福大学的拉里·莱弗教授(Prof. Larry Leifer)一起建立HPI-Stanford设计思维研究项目并担任组长。自2010年起,他执掌HPI 高性能计算实验室(Future SOC Lab)督导委员会。
克里斯托弗·梅内尔教授撰写或合著了10本图书和4本选集,同时也是众多会议论文集的编辑。他在高质量期刊和会议上共发表了超过400篇文章。他所拥有的高安全解决方案Lock-Keeper 国际专利已被西门子公司转为商用。他的新型移动课程录制和网络发布系统Tele-TASK 已被世界上多所大学和研究机构采用。他的针对互联网安全的虚拟tele-lab为互联网信息安全这个现实问题提供了获取实验数据的可能。最近开发的tele-board系统实现了创意团队的远程工作的支持。
克里斯托弗·梅内尔教授现任德国IPv6委员会主席、南非UTD Meraka 顾问委员会会长和SAP安全顾问委员会会员。在2006年他与哈索·普拉特纳教授(Prof. Hasso Plattner)一起主持了德国联邦总理安杰拉·默克尔博士(Dr. Angela Merkel)的德国首届“信息技术峰会”。他是特里尔大学通讯技术研究所的创始人,并于1998~2002年间担任该研究所所长。此外,克里斯托弗·梅内尔教授还担任一系列电子学术期刊的主编。