Partners from business, politics and international organizations rely on the expertise of the openHPI team and use the Hasso Plattner Institute's state-of-the-art MOOC platform to offer their own online courses:

- openSAP:
Since 2013, the openSAP digital learning platform has offered free online courses for anyone interested in educating themselves on SAP's latest innovations and learning how to thrive in the digital age.

- OpenWHO:
Launched in 2016, OpenWHO is the World Health Organization's interactive web-based platform that provides first responders and emergency workers with life-saving knowledge they need to respond to public health emergencies and disease outbreaks.

- AI-Campus: The AI Campus is a pilot project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and was released as a beta version in 2020. The focus is on the prototypical development of a digital learning platform on the topic of artificial intelligence.
More info about the AI Campus

- eGov-Campus: The eGov-Campus is a learning platform funded by the IT Planning Council that offers cross-university online modules on the topics of eGovernment and administrative informatics for education and training in the public sector.
More info about the eGov-Campus

- Kommunalcampus:
This platform is operated by the "Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region" to offer courses for the further training of administrative staff at municipal and regional level. The course format differs significantly from the other
platforms, as it focuses here on blended learning with a strong presence component.

- is the Hasso Plattner Institute's innovative platform for supporting school stakeholders on their way to using digital options in the classroom. The learning platform aims to bundle what ministries of education, educational authorities, non-profit institutions and organizations, but also other providers make available in terms of training content for teachers.
Whether it's training for your own employees, courses for partners or customers, or CSR measures - MOOCs can be used in a variety of ways.
Courses on

With, HPI offers other interested institutions the opportunity to run their own courses without having to operate their own platform.

Charité Berlin: The Charité Berlin, one of the largest university hospitals in Europe, offers on trainings for doctors and hospital staff.
msg systems AG:
Public course on digital transformation
Other tools that are developed in the context of openHPI

- CodeOcean
is an educational, web-based development environment for practical programming exercises. It is specifically designed for the use in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and allows learners to write and execute source code without any local software installation. On demand, learners receive automated feedback on their submission, get contextual tips or can ask their peers for help.

With CodeHarbor,
teachers can automatically create, manage, and share auto-gradable programming exercises. The platform is aimed particularly at teachers at schools, universities or online courses and enables them to collaborate effortlessly with their peers. In addition, exercises can be exchanged with other platforms via open standards.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) often rely on videos as a major component to convey knowledge. However, these videos exclude potential participants who do not understand the lecturer, regardless of whether that is due to an unfamiliarity with the lecturer’s language or aural handicaps. Subtitles and/or interactive transcripts solve this issue, ease navigation based on the content, and enable indexing and retrieval by search engines. Although there are several automated speech-to-text converters and translation tools, their quality varies and the process of integrating them can be quite tedious. Transpipe closes this gap between MOOC platforms and transcription and translation services and offers a simple workflow to create subtitles in multiple languages with a variety of service providers
This page was last changed at Fri, 12 May 2023 19:25:34 +0000.