Kurs im Selbststudium

Introduction to Successful Remote Teamwork

Angeboten von Thomas Staubitz, Hanadi Traifeh, Salim Chujfi

Dieses Video gehört zum openHPI-Kurs Introduction to Successful Remote Teamwork. Möchten Sie mehr sehen?

1.11 Collaboration Tools (Diagram Editors)

Zeitaufwand: etwa 6 Minuten

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Über dieses Video

Please contribute your experience or see what the others have contributed here If the tools you're using have already been mentioned by someone else and you don't want to duplicate, you can also just upvote the other participants post.

As promised in the video, here is some additional information to dive deeper:

The following information is far from being complete and should in no way be perceived as advertisement from our side for a particular solution. In the end, your decision should be based on your privacy and security requirements, your budget, and your administration and hardware resources.

We will update this list with your suggestions in the forum.

Online Diagram Tools