Kurs im Selbststudium

Learning @ Scale 2021 & EMOOCs 2021

Angeboten von Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering, ACM - Association for Computing Machinery

Dieses Video gehört zum openHPI-Kurs Learning @ Scale 2021 & EMOOCs 2021. Möchten Sie mehr sehen?

MOOC Collaborations with Business: Voices from the Field

Zeitaufwand: etwa 1 Stunde 28 Minuten

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Über dieses Video

Business Track: MOOC Collaborations with Business: Voices from the Field Click here to add to My Sched.

Towards an Online Learning Community on digitalization in the Tourism sector
Speaker: Susanne Marx, Research associate, Faculty of Business Studies at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences (DE)

Business Model for a free course by working with governments for localization
Speaker: Megan Schaible, COO Reaktor Education & Elements of AI

University and industry players co-creating MOOCs and MicroCredentials - insights from the Corship project
Speakers: Johanna Koskinen & Maija Suonpää, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (FI)