Learning @ Scale 2021 & EMOOCs 2021Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering, ACM - Association for Computing Machinery

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Sanna Järvelä: Co-Evolution of Human Capabilities and Intelligent Technologies for Digital Education

Zeitaufwand: etwa 29 Minuten

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Über dieses Video

Sanna Järvelä
University of Oulu

There is much interest to advance digital technologies supporting teaching, learning and education. Yet, many ideas, e.g., implementing data and artificial intelligence in education, still lack systematic understanding of human learning process. Also, new kind of capabilities are needed that are necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world. In my talk I introduce recent advancements in research on socially shared regulation in learning which provides a framework for developing these competences. I discuss the role of technology in understanding and supporting socially shared regulation and conclude with future perspective how co-evolution of human capabilities and technologies can be enhanced for digital education.

Watch the Q&A-Session here.