Kurs im Selbststudium
Beim Laden des Videoplayers ist ein Fehler aufgetreten, oder es dauert lange, bis er initialisiert wird. Sie können versuchen, Ihren Browser-Cache zu leeren. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal und wenden Sie sich an den Helpdesk, wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht.
If you have completed the three security workshops offered on openHPI this year, you should now have a good knowledge of the basics of cybersecurity. Here we offer you the opportunity to take an exam on the material from all three workshops. If successful, you will receive a Record of Achievement.
You may not register for the exam until you have met the eligibility requirements. The following criteria must be met:
The participation in the weekly assignments in the individual courses is not relevant for this exam.
Due to technical problems, a qualified certificate cannot be offered for this exam. We are working on a solution and will then offer the exam again with a qualified certificate.
The Cybersecurity Basics exam can be taken after participating in the three workshops Confidential Communication in the Internet, Digital Identities and Cyberthreats by Malware.
Confidential Communication in the Internet
Goal of the Course:
Digital Identities – Who am I on the Internet?
Goal of the Course:
Cyberthreats: Malware
Goal of the Course:
You can start the exam at any time within the exam period (March 2 - March 29, 2022). The test contains equal parts of questions from all three courses mentioned.
Exam Time: 2 hours
Pattern: 60 questions (Multiple Choice/Multiple Answers)
Eligibility Criteria:
Participation in the 3 Workshops Confidential Communication in the Internet, Digital Identities, Cyberthreats by Malware
Proof of a Confirmation of Participation in each of the three workshops (access of at least 80% of the learning material)
Exam preparation
There is the possibility of self-study, through self-tests offered in each of the three courses. Learning material is provided in the form of short learning videos, interactive quizzes, and tasks, forum discussions on several topics as well as other related material. The quizzes can be taken multiple times through the recap feature, which shuffles the questions during each attempt. Homeworks from the courses are available as self-tests even after the course has been completed. Moreover, there is a possibility to fast-track all three courses and the exam in March.
The examination format is flexible, to suit the participants. There is the opportunity to self-study for the exam. The results of the individual courses/participation in the weekly assignments in the individual courses are not relevant for the final Cybersecurity Basics examination.
For each course
Confirmation of Participation
Record of Achievement
Overall (after taking the exam)
Record of Achievement
Compatibility with German courses/Cybersecurity series
openHPI offers a similar course series on the topic in German. The courses in German are Datensicherheit im Netz, Digitale Identitäten, Blockchain - Sicherheit auch ohne Trust Center.
Even though the content in two of three courses is almost identical, the course series are not interchangeable. This is because the Cyberthreats by Malware course is completely new. If a participant has already completed some/all of the German courses, we highly recommend completing the three English courses as well, since it will be a good exam preparation.
Attention: This course is currently in self-study mode, in which you do not have access to graded assignments/exams. Therefore, we are unable to issue you a certificate.
Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.
Christoph Meinel (Univ.-Prof., Dr.rer.nat., Dr.sc.nat., 1954) war bis März 2023 geschäftsführender und wissenschaftlicher Direktor der Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Digitaltechnik gGmbH (HPI). Er ist ordentlicher Professor (C4) für Informatik an der Universität Potsdam und hat den Lehrstuhl für "Internettechnologien und Systeme" am HPI inne. Von 2017 bis 2021 war er Gründungsdekan des Fachbereichs Digital Engineering an der Universität Potsdam. Seine Forschungsinteressen sind breit gefächert im Bereich innovativer Internetanwendungen und -systeme, insbesondere in den Bereichen digitale Bildung, E-Learning & Tele-Teaching, Künstliche Intelligenz und Deep Learning sowie Internet- und Informationssicherheit. Er ist auch auf dem Gebiet der Innovationsforschung tätig und erforscht die Stanford-Innovationsmethode Design Thinking. Frühere Forschungsinteressen lagen in der Telemedizin sowie in den theoretischen Grundlagen der Informatik in den Bereichen Komplexitätstheorie und effiziente OBDD-basierte Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen.