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clean-IT: Towards Sustainable Digital Technologies

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HPI Fellowship - Dr. Mei Lin Fung (People Centered Internet)

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Über dieses Video

Dr. Mei Lin Fung is Chair and Co-Founder of the People Centered Internet and convenes the Informal Network for Digital Collaboration and Diplomacy, chaired first by Vint Cerf and now by Dr. Nele Loesk, Estonia's Ambassador for Digital Affairs. Mei Lin delivered the closing keynote on the Decade of Digital Transformation at the World Bank IFC Global SME Financing Forum in October 2020. As an early pioneer of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), after 5 years at Intel, she brought OKR's (Objectives & Key Results) to Oracle where she worked under Tom Siebel and later Marc Benioff. She was a member of the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council on Digital Economy and Society and gave a presentation at the World Economic Forum's first Digital Economics event in 2017.

As socio-technical lead for Federal Health Futures at the U.S. Department of Defense, she led the development of new network leadership capabilities. As the leader of a team at Oklahoma State University, she won the American Competitiveness Society Award. She worked with Microsoft Telesales in China to combat software piracy. She chairs the IEEE SSIT (Society on the Social Implications of Technology) Sustainability Technical Committee and serves on the Executive Committee of the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee, where she chairs the Evaluation Committee. Mei Lin is a Singaporean living in Silicon Valley who worked at Intel and then Oracle. She served as chair of Douglas Engelbart's Core Planning Committee. She earned her BSc in Mathematics from ANU and her MBA in Finance from MIT, where she studied with two future Nobel Prize winners in Economics, Franco Modigliani and Robert Merton and also Fisher Black. Mei Lin believes in building networks of resilient communities and applying digital finance to help people everywhere connect and thrive.