Curso al ritmo de cada uno
WWW, the world wide web or shortly the web - really nothing more than an information service on the Internet – has changed our world by creating a whole new digital world that is closely intertwined with our real world, making reality what was previously unimaginable: communication across the world in seconds, watching movies on a smartphone, playing games or looking at photos with remote partners in distant continents, shopping or banking from your couch … In our MOOC on web technologies you will learn how it all works.
WWW, the world wide web or shortly the web - really nothing more than an information service on the Internet – has changed our world by creating a whole new digital world that is closely intertwined with our real world, making reality what was previously unimaginable: communication across the world in seconds, watching movies on a smartphone, playing games or looking at photos with remote partners in distant continents, shopping or banking from your couch … In our MOOC on web technologies you will learn how it all works.
We start off by introducing the underlying technologies of the web: URI, HTTP, HTML, CSS and XML. If this sounds cryptic, rest assured that you will soon become familiar with what it’s all about. We will then focus on web services and web programming technologies along with their practical application. And we will look at how search engines – our fast and reliable signposts in the digital world – actually work to find contents and services on the web. The course concludes with a look at cloud computing and how it is changing the way we will access computing power in the future.
Here’s what participants are saying about this course:
Ralf: “The concept is great and methodically and didactically well thought out. We all noticed that further development is continually going on here - indispensable in dealing with this topic today. The support and guidance from the help desk and forum were also outstanding. Thank you.”
Kerstin: “I have to honestly say that I am impressed by what you’ve accomplished here. The course was totally professional and the tasks were set up so that it was possible to learn a lot. It was important for me to get an overview of the technologies and relationships between them. The class was taught really well and it was fun too.”
Claudia; “I enjoyed this course so much. It gave me a chance to expand my horizons in web technologies a great deal. I really liked the practical homework exercises, especially the calculation task in Week 5. I’m already looking forward to the next course. Keep up the good work!”
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Kursbildquelle: jmtosses / Flickr - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Attention: This course is currently in self-study mode, in which you do not have access to graded assignments/exams. Therefore, we can only issue you a certificate of participation.
Este curso se ha valorado con 4.75 estrellas de media a partir de 4 votos.
Para saber más, consulte la guía de certificados.
Christoph Meinel (Univ.-Prof., Dr.rer.nat.,, 1954) was Managing and Scientific Director of the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering gGmbH (HPI) until March 2023. He is a full professor (C4) for Informatics at the university of Potsdam and has the chair for "Internet Technology and Systems" at the HPI. From 2017 to 2021 he was the founding dean of the Digital Engineering Faculty of the University of Potsdam.
His research interests are broadly diversified in the area of innovative Internet applications and systems, especially in digital education, e-learning & tele-teaching, artifical intelligence and deep learing, and Internet and information security. He is also active in the field of innovation research and investigates the Stanford innovation method design thinking. Former research interest were in telemedicine, as well as in the theoretical foundations of computer science in the areas of complexity theory and efficient OBDD-based algorithms and data structures.