Kurs im Selbststudium

Internet Security for Beginners

Angeboten von Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel

Beim Laden des Videoplayers ist ein Fehler aufgetreten, oder es dauert lange, bis er initialisiert wird. Sie können versuchen, Ihren Browser-Cache zu leeren. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal und wenden Sie sich an den Helpdesk, wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht.

Hackers manage again and again to steal passwords, to access sensitive enterprise and user data, and, in the worst case scenario, to even paralyze entire companies. The Internet offers various possibilities to its users, but, at the same time, it harbors dangers and vulnerable points of attack, which many people are not even aware of. In this openHPI course you will learn the basics of Internet security. Why is the Internet insecure by nature of its design? What are the weak spots of the Internet and how are they exploited by cybercriminals? We want to answer these questions and a lot more in this course. Additionally, we will advise you on how to protect yourself from such cyberattacks.

Seit 27. April 2018 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English
Beginner, Cybersecurity, Internet


Since the late sixties, American researchers have not only been able to use computers as standalone calculating machines but to connect them to a broad network. This was the start of the Internet which, in the meantime, connects nearly four billion people and around 23 billion devices, (e.g., computers, smartphones and sensors). The network of networks has therefore also become an attractive target for criminals. Around four million attacks are registered every day, (i.e., 50 per second). Although the economic damage around the globe is huge - and we are talking about US$400 billion a year - only a small amount of resources is spent on Internet security.

Protection from Internet risks requires more action worldwide: from businesses, institutions, public authorities, and every one of us. In this 6-week free course in English, we offer practical support to face this challenging task. With no prior knowledge required, participants can find out what methods hackers use to break into computers and networks. Learn how cybercriminals manage to steal passwords and how you can protect yourself from such cyberattacks.

The workload of this course is equivalent to 2 ECTS credits.

Course characteristics:

  • Language: English
  • Starting from: February 26, 2018
  • Course end: April 9, 2018
  • Duration: 6 weeks (3-6 hours per week)
  • Target group: Anyone who uses the Internet
  • Course requirements: none

Join openHPI's official Twitter Feed: @openHPI.
Use the hashtag #intsec2018 to join and contribute to social media conversations about this course.
Additional video lecturing material can be found at www.tele-task.de .

Attention: This course is currently in self-study mode, in which you do not have access to graded assignments/exams. Therefore, we can only issue you a certificate of participation.


  • Week 1:

    We will explain the basic terms vulnerability, attack, and incident in the first week. Furthermore, we will elaborate on attackers, their motives and their origins.
  • Week 2:

    In week 2, we will explain the idea and the concept of digital Identities and passwords. We will discuss the digital footprint, the feasibility to (easily) crack passwords and guidelines to chose a secure password.
  • Week 3:

    In this week we will discuss several issues about malware. We will cover different types, such as, viruses, worms, and trojans, talk about botnets and mention some countermeasures.
  • Week 4:

    In week 4, we will talk about dangers and risks that arise through the usage of open routes in the Internet. Therefore, we will discuss how attacks can capture messages and eavesdrop or even manipulate and compromise connections. Furthermore, some security mechanisms for those open communication channels, such as firewalls and encryption are illustrated.
  • Week 5:

    In the 5th week, we will take a closer look at the general topic encryption. Therefore, we explain different cryptographic algorithms and how they can be used for various purposes.
  • Week 6:

    In this week we will talk about several topics related to data privacy and private sphere in the digital world. Starting at the Internet as one big eco-system we will also cover privacy in the context of smartphones and wearables, the Internet-of-things or cloud computing, for example.
  • Final Exam:

    Show what you have learned during the course by taking the final exam and qualify for a certificate.
  • I like, I wish:

    Here you can give us feedback for the course and propose changes.

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27. April 2018
26. Februar 2018


Der Kurs wurde mit durchschnittlich 4.09 Sternen bei 56 abgegebenen Stimmen bewertet.

Anforderungen für Leistungsnachweise

  • Den Leistungsnachweis erhält, wer in der Summe aller benoteten Aufgaben mindestens 50% der Höchstpunktzahl erreicht hat.
  • Die Teilnahmebestätigung erhält, wer auf mindestens 50% der Kursunterlagen zugegriffen hat.
  • Einen Open Badge erhalten Sie, indem Sie den Kurs abschließen.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.

Dieser Kurs wird angeboten von

Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel

Christoph Meinel (Univ.-Prof., Dr.rer.nat., Dr.sc.nat., 1954) war bis März 2023 geschäftsführender und wissenschaftlicher Direktor der Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Digitaltechnik gGmbH (HPI). Er ist ordentlicher Professor (C4) für Informatik an der Universität Potsdam und hat den Lehrstuhl für "Internettechnologien und Systeme" am HPI inne. Von 2017 bis 2021 war er Gründungsdekan des Fachbereichs Digital Engineering an der Universität Potsdam. Seine Forschungsinteressen sind breit gefächert im Bereich innovativer Internetanwendungen und -systeme, insbesondere in den Bereichen digitale Bildung, E-Learning & Tele-Teaching, Künstliche Intelligenz und Deep Learning sowie Internet- und Informationssicherheit. Er ist auch auf dem Gebiet der Innovationsforschung tätig und erforscht die Stanford-Innovationsmethode Design Thinking. Frühere Forschungsinteressen lagen in der Telemedizin sowie in den theoretischen Grundlagen der Informatik in den Bereichen Komplexitätstheorie und effiziente OBDD-basierte Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen.