Kurs im Selbststudium

EMOOCs 2023

Angeboten von Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering
EMOOCs 2023

After a long period of travel restrictions, we are very excited to host the next EMOOCs locally again. The Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering welcomes you to our beautiful Griebnitzsee campus in Potsdam near Berlin. Limited participation will also be possible online (i.e. keynotes and talks will be streamed, but no online poster session, no online networking sessions).

For more information, please visit also our official website.

Seit 16. Juni 2023 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English


These topics are in focus

  • Impact of the pandemic on digital education: Digital education, whether micro-credentials, MOOCs, blended learning formats, or other e-learning tools, received a major boost. How has the pandemic affected the development and delivery of MOOCs and other e-learning offerings all over Europe? Which projects can serve as models for successful digital learning and teaching? Which roles can MOOCs and micro-credentials bear in the current business transformation? Do we return to the routine we knew from pre-Corona times? Or have many things become established in the meantime, e.g. remote work, hybrid conferences, etc.?
  • Formalization of digital learning: we are currently seeing how the formerly informal MOOC offerings are becoming more and more formalized and embedded in existing ecosystems. Micro-credentials are just the beginning. From online study programs to fully online universities – what scenarios are conceivable?
  • MOOC networks and cooperations: Cooperations and networks such as MOOChub, the European MOOC Consortium, and the Common Micro-Credential Framework not only make MOOC research and developments more visible but also are an important building block for more standardization of formats and metadata.

5 Tracks - Varied Program

Take a look at our varied program, which the five tracks have put together for you.

We are looking forward to learning about the latest developments, sharing insights, and getting up-to-date with exciting educational technology.


Anant Agarwal
Jens Brandenburg
Carlos Delgado Kloos
Shizuka Kato
Vijay Kumar
Christoph Meinel
Catherine Mongenet
Antonella Poce
Kathy Pugh
George Ubachs

Our Sponsors and Collaborators

  • Gold Sponsor
    • Open edX®
  • Silver Sponsor
    • Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Collaborators
    • KI-Campus
    • Hochschulforum Digitalisierung
    • Class Central
    • MOOC List


  • Overview and Program:

    Take a look at the exciting conference program. We look forward to your participation and the exchange with you!
  • Speakers and Panelists

  • Our Sponsors and Collaborators

  • June 14 - 9am - Workshops

  • June 14 - 2pm - Keynotes

  • June 14 - 4pm - Business Track

  • June 14 - 5:30 pm - Research & Experience Track

  • June 15 - 9am - Research & Experience Track

  • June 15 - 11am - Keynote Jens Brandenburg

  • June 15 - 11:30am - Policy Track

  • June 15 - 11:30am - Research & Experience Track

  • June 15 - 2pm - Keynotes

  • June 15 - 2:45pm - Policy Track

  • June 15 - 4:45pm - International Track

  • June 16 - 9 am - International Track

  • June 16 - 11 am - Research & Experience Track

  • June 16 - 12:30 pm - Awards and Closing Words

  • I like, I wish

  • Photos:

    Here you will find a selection of photos from the 3-day event.

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16. Juni 2023
14. Juni 2023

Anforderungen für Leistungsnachweise

  • Die Teilnahmebestätigung erhält, wer auf mindestens 1% der Kursunterlagen zugegriffen hat.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.

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Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering

Das Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) in Potsdam ist Deutschlands universitäres Exzellenz-Zentrum für Digital Engineering (https://hpi.de). Mit dem Bachelorstudiengang „IT-Systems Engineering“ bietet die gemeinsame Digital-Engineering-Fakultät des HPI und der Universität Potsdam ein deutschlandweit einmaliges und besonders praxisnahes ingenieurwissenschaftliches Informatikstudium an. Die HPI School of Design Thinking, Europas erste Innovationsschule für Studierende nach dem Vorbild der Stanforder d.school, bietet jährlich 240 Plätze für ein Zusatzstudium an. Seine interaktiven Internetangebote hat das HPI als Pionier unter den europäischen Wissenschafts-Institutionen 2012 auf der offenen Lernplattform openHPI gestartet. Sie bietet seitdem einen Gratis-Zugang zu aktuellem Hochschul-Wissen aus den sich schnell verändernden Gebieten der Informationstechnologie und Innovation.