Curso al ritmo de cada uno

Fundamentals of Programming for Digital Health Winter Term 2020/2021

Impartido por Prof. Dr. Bert Arnrich, Berry Boessenkool
Fundamentals of Programming for Digital Health Winter Term 2020/2021

Basic concepts of programming for Digital Health
This is a past course: please register in the current course version.

Desde marzo 31, 2021 en modo autodidacta
Idioma: English

Información del curso

This is a past course: please register in the current course version.

Course topics include introduction into basic data structures (vector, matrix, lists, data frames, etc.), program control statements (conditional execution, for and while loops, etc.), data analysis, visualization, input and output.

Grading is based on weekly quiz and final exam.

The lecture on Monday is presented as video online. The lab session on Thursday (11:00-12:45) take place in G2 U 10-14 (Digital Health Center, basement floor) and will also be streamed online.

We will provide you soon with more details about the online sessions.

Contenido del curso

  • Getting Started

  • Vectors and Matrices

  • Lists and Data Frames

  • Loops

  • Graphics

  • Input and Output

  • Midterm

  • Introduction to Python programming:

    Python week 1
  • Python programming week 2

  • Py3: datatypes, lists, packages, functions

  • Py4: loops, turtle

  • Py5: dictionaries, errors, linter

  • Final Exam

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Course End
mar 31, 2021
Course Start
nov 02, 2020

Curso impartido por

Prof. Dr. Bert Arnrich

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bert Arnrich is Professor for Digital Health – Connected Healthcare at the Digital Health Center of the Hasso Plattner Institute.    His research on ubiquitous sensing and computing technologies is directed towards paving the way for transforming healthcare systems from purely managing illness to maintaining wellness everywhere, anytime and for anyone.  He has been a PI in several European and national projects.  He has co-authored over 120 refereed research publications.    He studied "Informatics in the Natural Sciences" and received the PhD degree Dr.-Ing. for the thesis "Data Mart Based Research in Heart Surgery" from Bielefeld University in 2006. He established and headed the research group Pervasive Healthcare in the Wearable Computing Laboratory at ETH Zurich between 2006 and 2013.  He received an EU FP7 Marie Curie Cofound Fellowship in 2013 and was appointed to tenure track professorship at the Computer Engineering Department at Bosporus University until 2017.  Between 2017 and 2018 he worked as a Science Manager for Emerging Technologies at Accenture Technology Solutions. 

Berry Boessenkool

Berry Boessenkool has been teaching R courses in various formats since 2012. He is a freelance R trainer and consultant and works part-time as a lecturer at HPI. His passion for programming was sparked in his studies of geoecology and the analysis of environmental data is still close to his heart.