Applied Edge AI: Deep Learning Outside of the CloudPD Dr. Haojin Yang, Joseph Bethge (Teaching Team)

Las unidades de aprendizaje listadas pertenecen al curso Applied Edge AI: Deep Learning Outside of the Cloud. ¿Desea acceder a todo el contenido del curso?

Week 1 - Basics and History of Neural Networks

In this week, we provide you with a concise history of neural networks to learn about how the field of deep learning evolved and what challenges have been overcome. Furthermore, we provide you with some basic knowledge about the learning process of deep neural networks. We will also have a practical session, where you are going to implement a few basic neural network layers from scratch!

Week 2 - CNN Architectures

Over time it has been found that specific architectures for neural networks achieve the best results. In this week, we provide you with an extensive overview of neural architectures for image classification and how they evolved over time. In the practical session, we will use PyTorch to train a neural network for image classification on the CIFAR-100 dataset.

Week 3 - Compact Network Design and Knowledge Distillation

In this week, you will learn all about the design of compact neural networks and knowledge distillation. Both methods are of high importance when applying deep neural networks on edge devices because they reduce the memory, computation, and energy requirements of neural networks! In the practical session, we will implement and experiment with knowledge distillation on the CIFAR-100 dataset.

Week 4 - Advanced Deep Compression Methods

In this week, we will investigate further model compression techniques, such as pruning, dynamic networks, and network quantization. The practical session of this week is all about the training of a binary neural network on the CIFAR-100 dataset.

Week 5 - Edge AI Introduction and Federated Learning

In this week, we will perform a deep dive into federated learning. A technique that allows to decentralize the training of a neural network. Such a decentralized training has many advantages, e.g., we do not need to copy the data between hosts and can train directly on an edge device! This weeks practical session is as much an experiment for you as it is for us! Together with all other course participants you will train a model for image classification on the ImageNet dataset in a decentralized manner!

Week 6 - Edge AI Concepts

In this week, we will have a look at further advanced concepts behind Edge AI, we will also investigate specific Edge AI hardware and application scenarios. In the practical session, you will experiment with a collaborative inference task, where edge devices and cloud devices work together.

Week 7 - Final Exam

Final Exam

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After the course is finished, we would like to gather your feedback in an optional survey.