Since 2007, the HPI D-School has been an integral part of the Hasso Plattner Institute Potsdam. Every year, around 400 students from all over the world get to know the Design Thinking Innovation Method as part of an additional degree programme. In cooperation with project partners, the students develop user-centered solutions for complex problems.
As part of the already completed HPI-Stanford Design Thinking Research Program, scientists investigated how and why Design Thinking Innovations work or fail. Multidisciplinary research teams from Stanford University and HPI worked on various Design Thinking Topics on process, methods, teamwork and tools to holistically investigate the phenomenon of innovation in all its dimensions.
Based on this program and from the daily work of the D-School, the question always moves us: How can we offer design thinking online and thus make it accessible to a larger audience? Prof. Uli Weinberg, Dr. Claudia Nicolai and several other Design Thinkers took the plunge and developed online courses on the subject of Design Thinking.
More information can be found here.
In order to further explore the potential of human-centred innovation, the Chair of Design Thinking and Innovation Research was established under the direction of Prof. Dr. Falk Ueberickel.
In their course Mastering Design Thinking in Organizations, Professor Uebernickel and Dr. Danielly de Paula give insights into their findings.
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