Курс із самостійним навчанням

Selection and Implementation of AI Models: Speech2Summary

Запропоновано AI Service Center Team
Selection and Implementation of AI Models: Speech2Summary

On 11th July, 2023, the first KISZ workshop on "Pre-trained AI Models: The speech-to-summary example" takes place. The contents of the workshop will be prepared in this Background Talk format, which is open to all interested parties.

Самостійне навчання з Вересня 30, 2023
Мова: English
Beginner, Big Data and AI

Інформація про курс

From speech recordings to text and clear summaries: In this background talk series, we'll show you how! Free of charge and no prior AI experience necessary.

The video shows:

  • natural language processing (NLP), large language models (LLMs) and their applications
  • the use case: a model that converts and summarizes speech into text

Enroll now for free.

KISZ funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

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1 547
Кінець курсу
вер. 30, 2023
Початок курсу
лип. 03, 2023

Цей курс запропонований

Kordian Gontarska

Kordian Gontarska is currently a PhD candidate in the Operating Systems and Middleware research group of Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze at the Hasso-Plattner Institute. He holds a Bachelor and Master in Computer Science from the Free University of Berlin. He focused on information processing, developing Machine Learning models for recommender systems and the healthcare domain.