Curso al ritmo de cada uno

A Half Century of Internet: How it works today

Impartido por Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel

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The Internet connects more than half of the world's population. This revolutionary form of transmitting all kinds of data between places on the planet has made the network of networks the indispensable backbone of societies. The number of users has exploded to four billion people.

The speed of change is dramatic and for some breathtaking. Many well-known and even more unknown personalities have shaped the development of the Internet. However, this exciting success story also reveals the dark sides of this development. What has become of the original hope for a democratization of communication? To what extent has the Internet provided access to better educational opportunities? How do large Internet companies and governments use the Internet? How can you safely communicate over this network?

Desde octubre 20, 2020 en modo autodidacta
Idioma: English
English, Deutsch
Beginner, Internet

Información del curso

Why you should attend this course

At the end of this course, you will better understand the following contents:

  • What the technical construction principle of the Internet looks like in its main features
  • How data is transferred from one computer to another
  • How data packets find their way through the interconnected individual networks of the Internet
  • How mobile devices, sensors and machines communicate with each other via the Internet
  • Which applications ensure that you can surf the World Wide Web and send or receive e-mails or films
  • That security on the Internet - not considered a design feature from the outset - must be protected against possible attacks.

You will also be able to evaluate:

  • What have so far been the key personalities and milestones in the development of the Internet so far
  • Which developments have been successful or unsuccessful in the Internet's 50 year old history
  • The important role the Internet has taken on in the economy, society, and politics
  • How the Internet is being misused for criminal purposes and how to protect yourself against it
  • Which development the Internet is likely to take in the future.

Workload and Certification

Depending on your previous knowledge, you should plan 3-6 hours per week for course participation. This estimated time includes the study of materials and self-tests provided. In addition, each week a graded homework assignment with a 60-minute time limit is scheduled. The workload of this course corresponds to 2 ECTS points. All successful course participants will receive their record of achievement or qualified certificate about one week after the end of the course.

Social Media

Follow us on Twitter: @openHPI. For tweets about this course please use the hashtag #internetworking2020
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Contenido del curso

  • Intro

  • Week 1:

    Digitalization of the World (introduction, history, humans in the focus)
  • Week 2:

    Computer Networks (bits and bytes, LAN, WLAN, WAN)
  • Week 3:

    Network of Networks, internetworking, internet protocols
  • Week 4:

    Transport through the Internet
  • Week 5:

    Internet Applications (WWW, e-mail, social media)
  • Week 6:

    Internet and Web Security (digital identities, cybercrime, risks, precautions)
  • Final Exam

  • I like, I wish

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Course End
oct 20, 2020
Course Start
sep 01, 2020


Este curso se ha valorado con 4.84 estrellas de media a partir de 19 votos.

Requisitos para el certificado

  • Obtenga un certificado de estudios al obtener más del 50% del número máximo de puntos de todos los trabajos evaluados.
  • Obtenga una confirmación de participación al completar al menos el 50% del material del curso.
  • Obtenga una insignia digitale abierta al completar el curso.

Para saber más, consulte la guía de certificados.

Curso impartido por

Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel

Christoph Meinel (Univ.-Prof., Dr.rer.nat.,, 1954) was Managing and Scientific Director of the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering gGmbH (HPI) until March 2023. He is a full professor (C4) for Informatics at the university of Potsdam and has the chair for "Internet Technology and Systems" at the HPI. From 2017 to 2021 he was the founding dean of the Digital Engineering Faculty of the University of Potsdam.
His research interests are broadly diversified in the area of innovative Internet applications and systems, especially in digital education, e-learning & tele-teaching, artifical intelligence and deep learing, and Internet and information security. He is also active in the field of innovation research and investigates the Stanford innovation method design thinking. Former research interest were in telemedicine, as well as in the theoretical foundations of computer science in the areas of complexity theory and efficient OBDD-based algorithms and data structures.