Curso al ritmo de cada uno

Internetworking with TCP/IP

Impartido por Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel

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Have you ever thought about how often you turn to the Internet throughout the day? Whether it be ordering a book or ticket online, checking the latest news or writing an email, everyday life without the Internet is nearly unimaginable. But wouldn’t it be nice to know how all of this is possible? This course will teach you about the technological foundation of this worldwide network. You will learn about its physical foundation of data transmission based on the functional principles and technologies of local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs). The TCP/IP reference model – the “heart” of the Internet – and its protocols and countless applications, will be presented in the units to follow. Participants will gain comprehensive insight into the complex world of Internet technologies. In clear terms, you will receive the knowledge to unlock the mysteries of the Internet.

Desde mayo 23, 2014 en modo autodidacta
Idioma: English
Advanced, Beginner, Internet

Información del curso

Have you ever thought about how often you turn to the Internet throughout the day? Whether it be ordering a book or ticket online, checking the latest news or writing an email, everyday life without the Internet is nearly unimaginable. But wouldn’t it be nice to know how all of this is possible? This course will teach you about the technological foundation of this worldwide network. You will learn about its physical foundation of data transmission based on the functional principles and technologies of local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs). The TCP/IP reference model – the “heart” of the Internet – and its protocols and countless applications, will be presented in the units to follow. Participants will gain comprehensive insight into the complex world of Internet technologies. In clear terms, you will receive the knowledge to unlock the mysteries of the Internet.

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Attention: This course is currently in self-study mode, in which you do not have access to graded assignments/exams. Therefore, we can only issue you a certificate of participation.

Contenido del curso

  • Week 1 :

    Introduction - The Internet is great, but is it really so complex?
  • Week 2 :

    Network Technologies - How can messages be transferred from one computer, by way of electrical or optical signals, to the computer next door or to one that is halfway around the world?
  • Week 3 :

    Internetworking with IPv4 - How does a data packet find its way through an Internet that consists of different but interconnected single networks with completely different technologies?
  • Week 4 :

    The New Internet Protocol IPv6 -How will it be possible in the future for smartphones, household appliances, cars, etc. to also be able to communicate with each other via the Internet?
  • Extra knowledge:

    Hands-on Wireshark exercises
  • Week 5 :

    Transport Protocols TCP and UDP - Who can guarantee that my data will reach its goal intact after its long journey through the Internet across different networks?
  • Week 6 :

    Internet Applications - What else do we need to know in order to send an email or a video through the Internet?
  • Final Examination:

    Final Examination

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Course End
may 23, 2014
Course Start
mar 31, 2014


Este curso se ha valorado con 4.5 estrellas de media a partir de 4 votos.

Requisitos para el certificado

  • Obtenga un certificado de estudios al obtener más del 50% del número máximo de puntos de todos los trabajos evaluados.
  • Obtenga una confirmación de participación al completar al menos el 50% del material del curso.

Para saber más, consulte la guía de certificados.

Curso impartido por

Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel

Christoph Meinel (Univ.-Prof., Dr.rer.nat.,, 1954) was Managing and Scientific Director of the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering gGmbH (HPI) until March 2023. He is a full professor (C4) for Informatics at the university of Potsdam and has the chair for "Internet Technology and Systems" at the HPI. From 2017 to 2021 he was the founding dean of the Digital Engineering Faculty of the University of Potsdam.
His research interests are broadly diversified in the area of innovative Internet applications and systems, especially in digital education, e-learning & tele-teaching, artifical intelligence and deep learing, and Internet and information security. He is also active in the field of innovation research and investigates the Stanford innovation method design thinking. Former research interest were in telemedicine, as well as in the theoretical foundations of computer science in the areas of complexity theory and efficient OBDD-based algorithms and data structures.