Health and Disease Core Competencies

This course addresses the bridging module “Introduction to Principles in Medicine”. It is designed to equip students entering the Digital Health Program with an informatics/digital engineering background with core competencies in comprehending and evaluating health and disease. The course imparts a working knowledge in systems medicine, medical diagnostics and therapeutics, evidence-based medicine and good clinical practice, health behavior, preventive medicine, and taxonomy of diseases. A second teaching block is designed to cover topics in mental health and neuropsychiatric diseases, chronic diseases, infectious disorders, and concepts in alternative medicine. Students will learn to comprehend, assess and apply health and disease-related information in making and communicating decisions in the digital health context.

Seit 20. Februar 2022 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English


This course addresses the bridging module “Introduction to Principles in Medicine”. It is designed to equip students entering the Digital Health Program with an informatics/digital engineering background with core competencies in comprehending and evaluating health and disease. The course imparts a working knowledge in systems medicine, medical diagnostics and therapeutics, evidence-based medicine and good clinical practice, health behavior, preventive medicine, and taxonomy of diseases. A second teaching block is designed to cover topics in mental health and neuropsychiatric diseases, chronic diseases, infectious disorders, and concepts in alternative medicine. Students will learn to comprehend, assess and apply health and disease-related information in making and communicating decisions in the digital health context.

Characteristics of Class Meetings/Lectures: Double block on Monday from 13:30pm

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concepts, definitions, and terms differentiating health and disease in the practice of medicine
  • Ability to critically assess impact of health and disease topics in engineering and implementing digital solutions
  • Critically assess impact of medical challenges and opportunities in digital health context
  • Learn to make and communicate assessments and decisions of health and disease issues in development and implementation of digital health solutions
  • Ability to assess scope and sustainable benefits of digital tools, applications, and information in health behavior, prevention and management of disease


  • Block 1: Introduction for Health and Disease Core Competencies (Böttinger):

    1) Course Premises, Objectives, Organisation, and Content 2) Health and Illness (Disease): Historical Perspectives and Social Context
  • Block 2: Overview of Organsystems in Medicine (Böttinger):

    1) Anatomy and Physiology : Tissues and Functions 2) Core Mechanisms of diseases: Pathophysiology
  • Block 3: - Wednesday, 10 November from 11 am! Fundamentals in medical diagnosis and therapy (Böttinger):

    1) Why medical diagnosis are needed, and how are they established? 2) Fundamental principles in medical interventions
  • Block 4: Wednesday, 17 November from 11 am! Health Behaviour & Health Communincation and Informed Decisions (Tamara Slosarek):

    1) Concepts in Health Behaviour 2) Health Communincation and Informed Decisions
  • Block 5: Concepts in Precision Oncology (Erwin Böttinger):

    1) Concepts in Precision Oncology / Postponed: Introduction in Mental Health
  • Block 6: Health Economics & Autoimmmune Disorders (Daniel Lewkowicz & Susanne Ibing):

    1) Introduction to Health & Behavioural Economics 2)Autoimmmune Diseases: Example Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Block 7: Genetics & Medicine (Henrike Heyne):

    1) Introduction to Genetics and Medicine 2)Cases in Clinical Genetics
  • Block 8: In-Depth Case Studies of Selected Major Diseases I (JP Sachs):

    1) Musculosceletal Disorders: Degenerative Joint Diseases, Back Pain; Introduction to Radiology and Imaging 2) Major Neurological Disorders: Movement Disorders (example: M. Parkinson), Stroke, Neuropathiies
  • Block 9: In-Depth Case Studies of Selected Major Diseases II (JP Sachs):

    1) Acute Diseases -Appendicitis and Fracture of the femoral neck 2) Chronic Diseases- Hypertension and Diabetis
  • Block 10: In-Depth Case Studies of Selected Major Diseases III (JP Sachs):

    1) Infectious Diseases - Microbiology of Pathogens 2) Epidemiology, Treatment, and Prevention of Infectious Diseases
  • Block 11: In-Depth Case Studies of Selected Major Diseases IV (JP Sachs):

    1) Clinical Oncology and Basics of Medical Statistics 2) Emergency Medicine Cases and Intensive Care Medicine
  • Mock Exam (01/24/2022):

    This is just for trying out. No grades :)

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20. Februar 2022
24. Oktober 2021

Dieser Kurs wird angeboten von

Prof. Dr. Erwin Böttinger

Prof. Dr. med. Erwin Böttinger ist Direktor des Digital Health Centers am Hasso-Plattner-Institut und Professor für Digital Health und Personalisierte Medizin an der gemeinsamen Digital Engineering Fakultät des Hasso Plattner Instituts und der Universität Potsdam. Von 2015 bis Juli 2017 hat er als CEO des Berliner Instituts für Gesundheitsforschung/Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) dessen zukunftsweisende Strategie zu 'Personalisierte Medizin - Neuartige Therapien' maßgeblich bestimmt. Als Gründungsdirektor des Charles Bronfman Instituts für Personalisierte Medizin hat Prof. Böttinger davor personalisierte Medizin und Digital Health in den U.S.A. in die klinische Anwendung gebracht. Durch seine langjährigen Forschungs- und Führungstätigkeiten an akademischen Spitzeneinrichtungen der Medizin in U.S.A., wie der Harvard Medical School, dem Nationalen Krebsforschungsinstitut NCI, und zuletzt der Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, ist der Mediziner und Wissenschaftler für eine globale Perspektive zur Zukunft der Medizin ausgewiesen.