Kurs im Selbststudium

HPI Academy: Strategic Design Thinking For Every Day - Spring 2022

Angeboten von Annie Kerguenne, Sophia Heinke, Mara Meisel, HPI Academy, Julia Oberhofer
HPI Academy: Strategic Design Thinking For Every Day - Spring 2022

This is an online course for everyone who wants to use Strategic Design Thinking for everyday challenges. You learn to use the whole potential of the approach, going beyond the method and the tools. Equip yourself with the most impactful Design Thinking principles to unlock your innovation capacity in complex, highly constrained situations.

Register now for the upcoming course starting January 28, 2022. Registration closes January 21, 2022.

This online training experience is provided by the HPI Academy.

Seit 16. April 2022 im Selbststudium
Kurssprache: English
Professional Skills


When does the course begin and for how long?
The course takes place from January 28, 2022 until March 11, 2022, so 7 weeks in total.
For each of the nine Modules, a time investment of 90 minutes needs to be considered.
The course content and material will remain accessible for 70 days until April 15 for self-paced learning.

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Registration Deadline: January 21
Course opening / Introduction: January 28 / January 31
Block 1: Starting January 31
Block 2: Starting February 07
Block 3: Starting February 14

Why should you enroll?
By the end of the course, you will know how to use the fundamental strategic principles of Design Thinking to overcome system- immanent hurdles and constraints. You will have explored their impact on your individual daily life - for your professional as well as private life.

What´s in the course?
In three Blocks and nine Modules in total we will introduce selected strategic Design Thinking principles.

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Apply the strategic principles immediately and dedicate yourself to developing solutions for the course challenge “Re-Designing the Learning Experience in a world where schools do not exist” or tackle your own daily challenges within the course.

Who should enroll?
You, as an interested new Design Thinking Pioneer, will get a compact insight into Strategic Design Thinking and unlock your hidden innovation capacity in times of extreme constraints.
You, as a Design Thinking Professional Track alumni, will refresh and easily share the Design Thinking strategies to manage complexity with your colleagues.

How much is the course fee?
549 EUR + VAT

How can I register for the course?
Register directly on our website here.

What requirements are needed to attend this course?
General knowledge of Design Thinking and an affinity towards human-centered design is sufficient to take part in this online training. However, you need to be registered on OpenHPI in order to take part.

Want to know more?

Contact our course coordinator Julia Oberhofer via mail Julia.Oberhofer@hpi-academy.de or phone (+49) 331 5509-565 or visit our course website.
This online training is part of our blended learning offer and a practice-focused condensed format complementary to the Professional Track. For more information, check out the HPI Academy website.

Für diesen Kurs einschreiben

Für diesen Kurs müssen Sie sich direkt beim Kursanbieter anmelden.


16. April 2022
28. Januar 2022

Anforderungen für Leistungsnachweise

  • Den Leistungsnachweis erhält, wer in der Summe aller benoteten Aufgaben mindestens 75% der Höchstpunktzahl erreicht hat.
  • Die Teilnahmebestätigung erhält, wer auf mindestens 95% der Kursunterlagen zugegriffen hat.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.

Dieser Kurs wird angeboten von

Annie  Kerguenne

Annie Kerguenne is leading Design Thinking Strategist and Master Coach at Hasso Plattner Intstitute. She joined the HPI in 2013 to further develop the Design Thinking offer with formats for executives who want to implement the agile methodology in their working culture. Annie actively contributes to the evolution of Strategic Design Thinking as a leadership strategy for managing cultural change. Since more than a decade, she is also mentoring Startups in the area of identity building. She is contributing author in “Design Thinking Live” and co-author of “Design Thinking - the Agile Innovation Method”. Her Background: Interdisciplinary studies in business economics, psychology and sociolinguistics have been Annie’s stepping stone into the creative business management where she worked as an Executive Managing Director, Creative Director and Strategic Planner in global networks as well as in independent innovation- & creative agencies for more than two decades.

Sophia Heinke

As Program Manager at the HPI Academy, Sophia facilitates online and offline workshops for executives, designing educational concepts for implementing Design Thinking in a corporate environment. Before joining the HPI Academy, she worked closely with executives in a clean-tech start up and lead cross-organisational projects and strategic initiatives. She has a background in law and business administration with a focus on social impact, innovation, and investment and started her own Design Thinking training with IDEO professionals at New York University.

Mara Meisel

As Workshop Manager at the HPI Academy, Mara Meisel facilitates online and offline workshops for executives, designing educational concepts for implementing Design Thinking in a corporate environment. Before joining the HPI Academy, she taught innovation management and entrepreneurship as a research associate at the University of Potsdam. She has a background in business administration with a focus on managing innovation and marketing and started her own Design Thinking journey during her training at HPI School of Design Thinking.

HPI Academy

The HPI Academy is the continuing education arm of the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering gGmbH (HPI) at the University of Potsdam. HPI was established by Hasso Plattner to realize his vision of a university for the future. HPI teaches and conducts research in IT systems engineering, digital health, entrepreneurship, and Design Thinking. The HPI Academy makes this knowledge available to professionals already in the workplace. HPI Academy clients benefit from an unmistakable combination of research and teaching on future-oriented topics and practical experience from a wealth of corporate projects. HPI Academy's offerings range from workshops on various aspects of Design Thinking, agile methods, and digital transformation, accompanying innovation and change processes, and digital product development. You can find more information on our services here: https://hpi-academy.de/en/index.html

Julia Oberhofer

As project manager at HPI Academy, Julia Oberhofer is the first point of contact for our customers. She advises on different workshop formats and helps companies and individuals to take the first steps on their Design Thinking Journey. Before starting at HPI Academy and supporting HPI’s COO since 2013, Julia was involved in developing a study program at a private university in Berlin. Her background is in Political Science. While working on an international research project, giving lectures at university and at the same time writing on her doctoral dissertation, she learned all about the challenges of managing complexity at first hand. For more information on the online course please contact Julia at Julia.Oberhofer@hpi-academy.de