Kurs im Selbststudium
Change is the new constant in leadership of the 21st century. Never before in history have the opportunities of creating new business value been so easily reachable for organizations – and so elusive at the same time. Digital technology offers speed and scalability to drive successful innovation and adaptivity on the one hand – and represents one of the most important leadership challenges on the other. Leaders are charged with navigating the dynamic complexity of a new era, which more than ever requires a holistic perspective.
The "Leading Digital Transformation and Innovation" program consists of 3 face-to-face training blocks which are a combination of impulse lectures and practice slots, complemented and deepend by online materials made accessible on this platform.
Please find more information on the program and the application process via the HPI Academy website.
The Stanford Center for Professional Development and the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) merge their key competencies grounded in years of extensive experience in education, research and practice in the fields of digital technology, human centered innovation, Design Thinking and digital leadership to offer a comprehensive approach that considers the multiple layers and the dynamic of change. The resulting Digital Transformation Leadership Cycle offers a clearly defined scope of action for leaders who want to face the complexity of that challenge.
Discover the logical and easily replicable step-by-step approach of the Digital Transformation Leadership Cycle for your transformation strategy:
Block 1: Develop your Desing Thinking competence by using the approach as a leadership strategy for human-centered value creation.
Block 2: Grow your digital competence and train your innovation skills for value creation with digital technology.
Block 3: Deepen your business transformation competence and get inspired by success strategies of the Silicon Valley community for business value creation.
Each of these areas is at the center of a 3–4 day face-to-face training block which is a combination of impulse lectures and practice slots, complemented and deepend by online materials made accessible on this platform.
Please find more information on the program and the application process via the HPI Academy website.
Das Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) in Potsdam ist Deutschlands universitäres Exzellenz-Zentrum für Digital Engineering (https://hpi.de). Mit dem Bachelorstudiengang „IT-Systems Engineering“ bietet die gemeinsame Digital-Engineering-Fakultät des HPI und der Universität Potsdam ein deutschlandweit einmaliges und besonders praxisnahes ingenieurwissenschaftliches Informatikstudium an. Die HPI School of Design Thinking, Europas erste Innovationsschule für Studierende nach dem Vorbild der Stanforder d.school, bietet jährlich 240 Plätze für ein Zusatzstudium an. Seine interaktiven Internetangebote hat das HPI als Pionier unter den europäischen Wissenschafts-Institutionen 2012 auf der offenen Lernplattform openHPI gestartet. Sie bietet seitdem einen Gratis-Zugang zu aktuellem Hochschul-Wissen aus den sich schnell verändernden Gebieten der Informationstechnologie und Innovation.
Stanford University, located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley, is one of the world’s leading teaching and research universities. The Stanford Center for Professional Development makes it possible for today’s best and brightest professionals to enroll in Stanford University courses and programs while they maintain their careers. Courses and programs from the School of Engineering and related Stanford departments are delivered online, at Stanford, at company work sites and international locations—providing a global community of learners with flexibility and convenience and enabling them to apply their education to their work. The Stanford Center for Professional Development upholds the mission of Stanford Engineering to encourage life-long learning and forge the future by educating tomorrow’s leaders in industry. Emerging learning technologies open new opportunities in how we teach and the ways in which students learn.
The HPI Academy is the continuing education arm of the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering gGmbH (HPI) at the University of Potsdam. HPI was established by Hasso Plattner to realize his vision of a university for the future. HPI teaches and conducts research in IT systems engineering, digital health, entrepreneurship, and Design Thinking. The HPI Academy makes this knowledge available to professionals already in the workplace. HPI Academy clients benefit from an unmistakable combination of research and teaching on future-oriented topics and practical experience from a wealth of corporate projects. HPI Academy's offerings range from workshops on various aspects of Design Thinking, agile methods, and digital transformation, accompanying innovation and change processes, and digital product development. You can find more information on our services here: https://hpi-academy.de/en/index.html