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- 00:00Hello it's me again Wolfram Greis from the European Mainframe Academy,
- 00:06and in the next video clips
- 00:08we want to present a real impressive success story from Walmart
- 00:13in the United States.
- 00:15Walmart is one of the biggest IBM
- 00:18mainframe customers worldwide and the walmart adopted the
- 00:23mainframe in 1975 and it has always played a very
- 00:30important part in the IT environment of Walmart and of course developed during
- 00:37this more than forty years.
- 00:41And there's another
- 00:44youtube video clip from Randy Frerking, distinguished engineer at Walmart
- 00:50and he is interviewed by IBM and he tells in this interview
- 00:55that Walmart processed in 2015, 500
- 00:59million transactions a day and 150 million of these transactions
- 01:04are in between web services. So very new technology to access
- 01:12the data and transactions on the IBM mainframe.
- 01:18There's a very interesting website I don't know if you're or you are
- 01:22familiar with it. It is the IBM redbook website. Just point your browser to
- 01:28and you get a lot of information about
- 01:32IBM platforms. Not just the mainframe but of course also about the IBM mainframe.
- 01:40And then why do I show this because
- 01:45Walmart contributed to some very new redbooks, starting in
- 01:502016 with redbook with the title Creating
- 01:55IBM z/OS Cloud Services, followed in April 2016
- 02:01with redbook how Walmart became a cloud service provider with IBM
- 02:07CICS. And a third one quite new
- 02:11in February 2018, CICS and the
- 02:16IBM CICS and the Coupling Facility Beyond the Basics. Because we talked
- 02:22during this MOOC about CICSplex,Parallel Sysplex and so on. And
- 02:28this Walmart infrastructure is really a very impressive implementation
- 02:34of such a clustering technique.
- 02:40These out of a series from twelve video clips complementing the redbooks
- 02:46mentioned. We show here the first with the introduction and
- 02:51the last with the summary. All the others if you are interested in,
- 02:55you can get from this redbook website. Let's start with the
- 03:01introduction.
- 03:10I'm Randy Frerking, distinguished engineer at Walmart
- 03:13and I'm Rich Jackson, principal systems engineer at Walmart.
- 03:17In 2007, Walmart averaged two hundred million
- 03:20transactions a day in CICS primarily in thirty to seventy
- 03:24MQ and btm sna access
- 03:27In 2009, we introduced web services primarily
- 03:30SOAP and primarily used as a data access layer, and by two thousand
- 03:33and eleven we had grown to five hundred million transactions a day.
- 03:37In 2013, we introduced rest services and developed
- 03:40our first cloud services- a key-value database, a caching service
- 03:44and a unique ID generator. We also created a dedicated
- 03:48CICSplex called our CloudPlex.
- 03:51You don't like that term, do you? I do not like that term.
- 03:53You get used to it. And now we average about seven hundred million transactions a day.
- 03:58We were able to achieve this volume by leveraging
- 04:01coupling facility and fully utilizing Parallel Sysplex.
- 04:05Some of the traditional components of Parallel Sysplex include things like grs,
- 04:09group buffer pools are just two check points.
- 04:12Most recently CICS has added new features to the coupling facility,
- 04:15such as the Named Counter, Coupling Facility Data Table, Shared Temporary Storage Servers
- 04:21and record level sharing. In this video course we'll share some
- 04:24things that we've done with all of these CF technologies. Thank
- 04:27you for watching.
- 04:38Now let's show the summary.
- 04:51In this video series, we've covered a number of specific CF technologies that
- 04:54can be used in interesting ways.
- 04:57These features can be combined to build reliable, available and highly scalable
- 05:01application solutions.
- 05:03We'll briefly cover a couple of examples where we've taken
- 05:06some of the specific CF technologies and combine them into something greater.
- 05:11The first example would be Sequencing captured updates in real
- 05:15time in a fluid manner.
- 05:18In our particular problem,
- 05:21we have an application that needs to synchronize updates from that application
- 05:26to another application.
- 05:28The problem with that is, after the data has been captured it needs to be
- 05:33transformed. And during the transformation process, which does take time
- 05:37the data gets out of sequence.
- 05:39So the challenge is reapplying the updates to the target system,
- 05:43re-sequenced into the order that they actually occurred.
- 05:46We use several CF technologies to create the solution. One of
- 05:50them was VSAM RLS, which we used to house shared control information.
- 05:56We also use CFDT. We stored a number of things in there, such
- 05:59as additional control information, sequence numbers for the update
- 06:03and we also used it for caching. We also use GRS for coordination
- 06:07of information between parent and child task.
- 06:10As well as establishing control in our transaction environment
- 06:12by using it as global transit class.
- 06:15In our next example, we had a requirement to process a one to
- 06:19many parallel processing service.
- 06:22For this particular problem, the scenario involved a single incoming request
- 06:28that triggered numerous parallel outbound requests to remote sources.
- 06:34The information from those remote sources needed to be combined,
- 06:36aggregated and returned to the requester. To create the solution,
- 06:40we use several CF components. One of them was using shared temporary
- 06:44storage for task coordination between the primary and multiple secondary tasks.
- 06:48Yes and we also used GRS to serialize activity against those TSQs.
- 06:53We also use CFDT for caching information that was retrieved
- 06:56from the secondary task provided to the primary task.
- 06:59And that was very important in this case because the remote hosts
- 07:02involved in this situation were network attached devices, so
- 07:05there were significant latency.
- 07:08More examples like these as well as additional details on everything
- 07:11we've talked about in this video series are available in the redbook.
- 07:14Thank you for watching. This was the introduction
- 07:25to the Walmart success story. For questions and remarks
- 07:30concerning our video clip, please use the discussion forum
- 07:34on the OpenHPI platform. Thank you very much for attending and
- 07:42we will see us in one of the next video clips.
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