Records on openHPI


Confirmation of Participation

You are eligible for a Confirmation of Participation if you have visited at least 50 per cent of the course material. The Confirmation of Participation contains the following information: Name of the participant, date of birth (optional), course title and summary.

Record of Achievement

You are eligible for a Record of Achievement if you have earned more than 50 per cent of the available points in the weekly assignments and the final exam. The Record of Achievement contains the following information:

  • Participant's name
  • Date of birth (optional)
  • Course title and summary
  • Credits earned
  • Course performance (if you're among the top 5%, 10%, or 20% of participants)
  • Anti-counterfeit link and QR code


NOTE: openHPI is not offering this type of certificate at the moment. Users who have achieved this type of certificate can still download it.

Features A Certificate contains the participant’s photo and a supplement with detailed course information.

The participant agrees to be proctored via webcam during the graded exercises and exams. With the help of online proctoring, we ensure that only the registered user is taking the assignments and the final exam.

If the participant has booked the Certificate, they will receive a Record of Achievement and a Confirmation of Participation, as long as they fulfil the requirements.

ECTS credits
HPI recommends granting 2 ECTS for a Certificate.

If you intend to receive university credits for an openHPI course, please contact your examination office first to make sure that your university accepts the certificate. We have prepared a sample certificate and an explanation to present to your examination office, which is available for download here:


Остання сторінка була змінена пт., 17 трав. 2024 10:25:30 +0000.