Self-paced course

Wayfinder Workshop 2019

Offered by Dr. Claudia Nicolai, Martin Schwemmle, Klaudia Thal, Renata Landa López
Wayfinder Workshop 2019

Wayfinder is our first prototype workshop where we will try out new tools and methods to enhance your awareness regarding your own career, leadership path, and even life challenges; we want to help you get unstuck, and to support you designing your way forward to lead the life you want to live. We would like to invite you to participate in order to experience our brand-new concept idea and also to give constructive feedback to improve our future program.

Self-paced since November 15, 2019
Language: English

Course information

Wayfinder is our first prototype workshop where we will try out new tools and methods to enhance your awareness regarding your own career, leadership path, and even life challenges; we want to help you get unstuck, and to support you designing your way forward to lead the life you want to live. We would like to invite you to participate in order to experience our brand-new concept idea and also to give constructive feedback to improve our future program.

Course contents

  • Welcome! General Information

  • Your Preparation Work:

    We kindly ask you to prepare two exercises before the workshop. You find the instructions and templates here.

Enroll me for this course

The course is free. Just register for an account on openHPI and take the course!
Enroll me now


Course End
Nov 15, 2019
Course Start
Nov 01, 2019

This course is offered by

Dr. Claudia Nicolai

Dr. Claudia Nicolai is the co-director and academic director of the HPI School of Design Thinking in Potsdam/Germany. Together with her team she designs the academic programs for participants, the design thinking-coaches programs, develops innovation projects with partner institutions (companies, non-profit-organizations and research institutions) and researches on business design, innovative workplaces, leadership and teamwork. Claudia is also responsible for cooperations with international academic institutions in Design Thinking and related fields. She has co-designed the d-school genovasi in Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia and the HPI D-school at the University of Cape Town in South Africa as well as the international biothinking-program at the Charité. Currently she is involved in developing design thinking institutions in Middle and Latin America (Mexico and Chile). She has taught as a guest professor/assistant professor at the University of Witten/Herdecke, RWTH Aachen, University of Arts/Berlin, openlab/Stockholm, and Elisava School of Design/Barcelona. Besides teaching and learning she heads Design Thinking-research at the HPI D-School with 3 funded research projects in the fields of innovation networks, future of work and team leadership. She is also eager to enable to make an impact on future education, change-making and entrepreneurship by closely collaborating with primary education institutions as well as international leadership programs (e.g. Montessori School, Young Global Leadership Program of Melton Foundation). She serves as a mentor of the startupbootcamp, Impact Hub and several startups. Claudia studied Business Administration, Economics, and Social Science and received her Ph.D. in Strategic Innovation. She has gained experience as a founder of her own companies as well as working as a strategy consultant and business manager for fast-moving consumer goods. She loves to encourage participants and professionals to become innovators, entrepreneurs and change-makers.

Renata Landa López

“Holding a Bachelor in International Relations and a Master in Peace and Conflict Transformation, Renata worked for 4 years in the field of community development and further education in Mexico. She then took the step to come to Germany in 2012 where she studied the Basic and Advanced Track program at the HPI School of Design Thinking. Subsequently, she focused on the topics of communication and team dynamics and has worked as a coach and consultant of Design Thinking, specialized in the tools of Non-violent Communication & Creative Methods for Team Building and Conflict Transformation.

Currently, she works as a Program Manager at the School of Design Thinking and at the HPI Academy where she focuses on teaching Design Thinking and integrating communication tools that support the learning processes of students.”

Dr. Martin Schwemmle

Martin is Senior Researcher at the HPI School of Design Thinking and part of the Potsdam–Stanford Design Thinking Research Program. His research focuses on the role of space for innovation, innovation networks, and the impact of Design Thinking. According to his motto “Not only develop ideas—develop people!”, he is part of the Wayfinder team applying Design Thinking to life design.

Klaudia Thal

Klaudia Thal is a passionate journalist, systemic coach, innovation specialist, lecturer, speaker and persistent advocate for "curiosity and informed decision making". After 15 yrs in media and executive positions in Germany and the USA, she founded her own company. She supports executives, teams and organizations in their transformation to become change leaders and - using her journalistic eye - helps them to create and communicate a sustainable vision and impact for their brands, to navigate ambiguity and to become their most productive and holistic self. Klaudia is currently running the "Wayfinder" Design Your Life Program at HPI, promotes women in leadership and teaches communication skills, presenting, pitching, presence and yoga.