Kurs im Selbststudium
Digitalization and exponential growth of data are challenges to the world of traditional IT. In this course we are presenting technologies that are building blocks for the “Future of Computing”.
The Systems of Engagement with unstructured data and analytical processing require new approaches for software development and deployment, like microservices, containerization and cloud-native applications. In addition, IT departments require new underlying technologies to enable processing of vast amounts of data: Hardware Acceleration, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology.
These new trends are put in contrast with essential technologies of the traditional Systems of Record. Reliability, High-Availability and Serviceability in these systems require sophisticated hardware, operating systems and middleware in order to process transactions at scale.
Digitalization and exponential growth of data are challenges to the world of traditional IT. In this course we are presenting technologies that are building blocks for the “Future of Computing”.
The Systems of Engagement with unstructured data and analytical processing require new approaches for software development and deployment, like microservices, containerization and cloud-native applications. In addition, IT departments require new underlying technologies to enable processing of vast amounts of data: Hardware Acceleration, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology.
These new trends are put in contrast with essential technologies of the traditional Systems of Record. Reliability, High-Availability and Serviceability in these systems require sophisticated hardware, operating systems and middleware in order to process transactions at scale.
In 4 weeks we will cover topics from Hardware and Operating Systems to Software Development and new Workloads such as Artificial Intelligence as well as Blockchain. The focus will be on technologies around IBM Power Systems.
Week 1: Processor Technology
Week 2: Operating Systems and Heterogeneous Computing
Week 3: Cloud Computing
Week 4: New Workloads and Computing Paradigms
Speakers and Contributors
The main promoters of the course are Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze (HPI), Dr. Wolfgang Maier (IBM), Hildegard Gerhardy (IBM)
The additional lecturers for specific topics are:
from IBM
from Vattenfall
from Bosch
from HPI
Attention: This course is currently in self-study mode, in which you do not have access to graded assignments/exams. Therefore, we can only issue you a certificate of participation.
Der Kurs wurde mit durchschnittlich 5.0 Sternen bei 2 abgegebenen Stimmen bewertet.
Mehr Informationen finden Sie in den Richtlinien für Leistungsnachweise.
Das Fachgebiet Betriebssysteme und Middleware, das von Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze geleitet wird, konzentriert sich auf Programmierparadigmen, Entwurfsmuster und Beschreibungstechniken für große, verteilte Komponentensysteme. Vor allem die Verbindung von Middleware und eingebetteten Systemen und deren vorhersagbares Verhalten in Bezug auf Echtzeitfähigkeit, Fehlertoleranz und Sicherheit sind hier das Thema.
Prof. Polze ist auch Sprecher der HPI Research School, des internationalen Forschungskollegs des HPI.
Hildegard Gerhardy ist als Beraterin bei IBM verantwortlich für die IBM Power Systems/Cognitive Solutions Academic Initiative (PSAI) für Europa. Sie ist an einem der deutschen IBM Metro-Standorte mit Sitz in Düsseldorf beheimatet.
Die Zielsetzung im akademischen Umfeld ist es, an Universitäten und Schulen das Bewusstsein dafür zu schärfen, wofür IBM heute steht. Ihr Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Unterstützung von Professoren/Phd´s und Studenten verschiedener Universitäten und Schulen in Europa, um ihnen die Nutzung von IBM-Bildungsmaterialien und herunterladbarer Software sowie den Zugang zu Systemen und Cloud-Angeboten zu ermöglichen. Um dies zu erreichen, bauen wir eine Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Lehrstühlen an mehreren Universitäten in Europa auf. Nicht zuletzt konzentriert sich IBM darauf, junge Talente mit besonderen Fähigkeiten zu gewinnen, die IBM und Kunden suchen.
Hildegard Gerhardy begann ihre Karriere bei IBM Learning Services 1999 als leitende technische Trainerin und übernahm in den letzten 20 Jahren Verantwortung in verschiedenen Unternehmesbereichen und Abteilungen wie Marketing, Vertrieb, Produktmanagement sowie Strategie und Geschäftsentwicklung.
Wolfgang Maier is Director Hardware Development at the german sited IBM R&D lab close to Stuttgart.
His career with IBM started as design engineer for Mainframe Firmware in 1996. 3 years later he accepted the role of department manager for System z IO Firmware and started to focus on the employment of industry standard IO technologies in IBM high end servers. During his international assignment in Austin (Tx) he directed the first implementation of the Infiniband technology for the IBM POWER line. After his return to germany he extended the use of industry standards within the mainframe and headed the development of central IO hardware as well as mainframe and POWER CMOS processors. His current responsibilities also span the system packaging and system control area with special focus on workload optimization and power efficiency. He is leading the european business development of the OpenPower foundation which was founded by IBM and several other technology partners in 2013. His current focus in innovation is on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing.
Wolfgang Maier obtained his PhD in Laserphysics from the University of Tuebingen in 1996. He enjoys to spend his spare time with his family, loves skiing and motorbikes.