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HPI D-School Basic Track Summer Term 2023

Запропоновано Angela Galeano Colonia, Dr. Claudia Nicolai, Thomas Grundnnigg (ともだち)
HPI D-School Basic Track Summer Term 2023

The Basic Design Thinking Program provides an immersive hybrid learning experience for participants to understand Design Thinking. Participants will undergo two learning cycles. The emphasis of the first cycle is about learning the fundamentals of Design Thinking and in the second cycle, teams will leverage on their experiences from the first learning cycle and implement their learnings of Design Thinking while working collaboratively with a project partner.

Throughout the entire learning journey, experienced coaches will guide the teams and share their vast expertise from the working world. Teams will have sufficient space for experimentation, and room to fail to discover their personal conviction about Design Thinking.

This course is part of a research project that investigates the potentials and challenges of teaching design thinking in an online environment. Therefore, your participation in the course surveys and feedback is very valuable to us.

Самостійне навчання з Серпня 18, 2023
Мова: English

Інформація про курс

This platform is mainly used to share D-School learning materials that are relevant for your development (e.g., readings & videos). This will help you to achieve your self-directed teamwork and the deliverables in order to continue working more independently and with greater flexibility as you plan your project, but also builds trust between all parties that the project is moving forward!

Зміст курсу

  • Basic Track Summer Term 2023

  • Design Thinking 101:

    The 1st Project at the HPI D-School aims to familiarize participants with the Design Thinking mindset to understanding the problem space and solution space. It will run for eight project days, and a coach will facilitate two teams. By the end of the 1st Project, participants will be able to: a) Understand and experiment with different user research methods to gain an understanding of the challenge from the user's perspective, b) Identify insights from qualitative data gathered, c) Leverage on several ideation methods to brainstorm, d) Develop testable prototypes to collect feedback, and, e) Get familiarized with collaborating and working (remotely) with multidisciplinary teams. 1st Teaming: 14 teams of 4-5 students, and will work on two challenges. The Project will conclude in a deep debrief about the project and process experiences.
  • Partner Project:

    Here you will find some more information about the detailed planning of your project partner-format as part of your foundational course in Design Thinking, aka the Basic Track.
  • Partner Project (Key Documents):

    Each semester, up to 6 different project partners from the public, private and social sector (for-profit, non-profit, governmental, foundations, etc.) pose their Design Challenge that will be elaborated by two student teams each. The interdisciplinary student teams are comprised of different individuals with various professional, international, and cultural backgrounds. Students broaden and deepen their expertise in Design-Led Research & Design Thinking, at the same time as they learn how to collaborate with a partner organization on (virtual) eye-level professionally.
  • Documentation Guidelines

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Кінець курсу
серп. 18, 2023
Початок курсу
квіт. 24, 2023

Цей курс запропонований

Angela Galeano Colonia

Angela joined the HPI D-School in Summer 2021 as a Program Lead. Her main interests revolve around using Design Thinking to foster change management, digital transformation, and building happier teams.

She has a background in Anthropology and Political Science, holds a master's in Public Policy, and a certificate from the HPI School of Design Thinking. But, beyond titles, what she enjoys is contributing to facilitating innovation processes across different sectors.

Before, Angela worked for 8+ years scaling education programs & human-centered initiatives in large organizations like the Colombian National Ministry of Education, the Directorate for Education and Skills of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Deutsche Welle, and social impact start-ups in Bogota, Paris, and Berlin.

Dr. Claudia Nicolai

Claudia Nicolai is the Academic Director of the HPI d—school in Potsdam, shaping Design Thinking education and research since 2010. With a Ph.D. in Strategic Management, she has a background in business, economics, and social sciences and has taught at the University of the Arts Berlin and Elisava Barcelona.

She leads the academic program, curriculum, and coaching at HPI d—school, manages partnerships, and has co-developed D-Schools in Malaysia and South Africa as well as the BioThinking program at Charité Berlin. Her research focuses on design and innovation management, new work environments, and leadership.

Claudias' d—school Profile

Thomas Grundnnigg (ともだち)

Thomas Grundnigg is program lead at the HPI d—school in Potsdam, where he designs learning experiences in Design Thinking. With a background in media arts, he is pursuing a Ph.D. in design-rhetoric under Prof. Heiner Mühlmann. Previously, he led the Management & Producing department at FH Salzburg and taught at the University of Arts Linz and Mozarteum Salzburg.

As a member of the TRACE research group, he explores cultural evolution and rhetoric. From 2018 to 2020, he served on the board of designaustria, leading the ExpertsCluster Education. Since 2021, he has been shaping educational programs and interdisciplinary projects at the HPI d—school.

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