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- 00:00Welcome back to the course Quantum Algorithms and their Implementation. Let us now continue with Grover's algorithm.
- 00:08In the last video, I showed you how, by applying the oracle that defines the one base state in which
- 00:17the solution to the problem is encoded, how to give that state a negative sign. The next step
- 00:27which one does now, is to calculate the mean value of all amplitudes and to apply to this mean value
- 00:36then mirror all amplitudes.
- 00:39That is, I take my amplitudes that we just calculated, three times and a half, once minus and a half, I calculate
- 00:48the mean value of that, which would be a quarter, and I mirror all the amplitudes to that mean value.
- 00:55This mirroring at the mean can be formulated mathematically by the figure: Amplitude passes into twice the
- 01:03mean value of all amplitudes minus a. In our example, it leads to the fact that all amplitudes, which have the value one half
- 01:12become zero and the amplitude minus one half becomes one.
- 01:20And that's about it for the simplest case of two qubits.
- 01:24So the element X hat we are looking for now has the amplitude one and all other amplitudes have the value zero.
- 01:33That means if I now measure X, if I make a measurement on this system, then I immediately find the sought after
- 01:41Solution.
- 01:42That means we have reached the goal.
- 01:45At this point, of course, you are happy that it worked and you think that it would also have worked in all other constellations.
- 01:52just as easy.
- 01:54Unfortunately, it isn't. Now, if we start or look at larger systems,
- 01:59the next larger system would be the system with n equals three, with three qubits, that is large n the number of my base
- 02:09states is eight. There it showed up, if one carries out this calculation analogously, that after application of the oracle after
- 02:21reflection at the mean value the amplitude for x hat
- 02:26contains the value five half five half by root eight, for all other amplitudes contains one half by root eight.
- 02:36That is, we have a small gain of our sought amplitudes, but not yet such that we can be very sure of
- 02:45that it is indeed the correct amplitude.
- 02:49That is, if we were to measure now, then the noise in the measurement may mask the effect here.
- 02:59What we can do at that point, though: We can do this principle of amplitude amplification several times
- 03:07Now, performing this amplitude amplification again means I apply the oracle to the circuit again
- 03:15again,
- 03:16I do again this reflection at the mean value, then I get in the case of three qubits for the probability of the
- 03:24target vector, of the target state already the value 121 by 128. That means a value which is not equal to one but nevertheless
- 03:35is already very close to one. At this point, one could think that I have to use this circuit,
- 03:46the oracle, do the amplitude amplifications only often enough, then I'll surely end up at some point with mine at
- 03:54the value one. Again, it's not quite that simple.
- 03:58It can happen that if one makes these iterations too much, that the amplitude amplification is destroyed again.
- 04:06becomes.
- 04:06That is, the art is to turn in this application of the oracle, amplitude amplification just right,
- 04:16as often as you have to, but please, not more often. We'll see that in a moment how often you can generally use
- 04:25case you have to apply this principle. At this point, an intermediate step is now missing in the argumentation and this intermediate step
- 04:36consists in showing, in the general case of n qubits, that this reflection at the mean, which we performed
- 04:45Have that this is indeed a unitary transformation. In the case of two qubits, you can show that easily. In the case
- 04:54of multiple qubits when small n is indeterminate, you can see here on the slide the corresponding
- 05:02equation and by doing a little bit longer calculation you can convince yourself that this transformation is indeed
- 05:10is unitary. Means this can be represented then again as basis as application of gates. That is
- 05:21i can perform this on the quantum computer. This iteration, the application of the oracle, and then subsequent
- 05:30Mirroring at the mean, which is usually called Grover integration.
- 05:37This Grover iteration also has a geometric illustration. In this geometric illustration
- 05:47one tries to simplify the complex situation of n qubits a bit by starting from the
- 05:59general case. In the general case, the small n qubits would be in a complex vector space.
- 06:08And I'm now considering a two-dimensional cut through this complex vector space. In this
- 06:16two-dimensional cut, I have on the one hand my sought solution of this x hat, which is here in the picture arrow
- 06:24drawn upwards and I have the state S. The state S, is the uniform superposition of all my qubits.
- 06:34That is, my target state X hat contributes to the uniform superposition
- 06:47as do the other states with weight one by root two to the power of n. Perpendicular to my sought target state
- 06:56are just then the other states which are perpendicular to n. This is the starting position before
- 07:06Grover iteration.
- 07:10if I start now with the Grover iteration, so if I apply the oracle, then the solution state gets
- 07:19a minus sign. Means in the little picture the vector X hat is mirrored at the X axis all other states remain the same,
- 07:30this means then the superposition of all my base states, from the red S into the green one
- 07:39S transitions.
- 07:39That is, the S vector flips down. This is the application of the oracle. In the second step, I now perform this reflection
- 07:50at the mean value and this reflection at the mean value
- 07:54is now done in such a way that I no longer mirror at the X axis, but mirror at the S state.
- 08:03That means my green down arrow is flipped up and you can see in these little pictures that
- 08:11after performing a Grover iteration, my overall state S is closer to the solution we are looking for X hut-
- 08:21has moved. Now this execution of the algorithm, of the iteration can be done several times.
- 08:28With each iteration, the green arrow moves successively upward.
- 08:34That would be the geometric interpretation here from the Grover algorithm.
- 08:41Now if you do this formally, do the exact calculation, you see that after each Grover iteration the
- 08:50state of the system is rotated by the angle two by root large n.
- 08:58Now, if I do these steps often enough, scaled by roots n, you can see that the angle between
- 09:08the total state and the solution state is only one by root n.
- 09:16This means that the Grove algorithm can get by with a total of root large n oracle calls.
- 09:25So we have a quadratic speedup compared to a classical algorithm that takes n calls to solve the problem
- 09:35is needed.
- 09:36We have a quadratic speedup here, a quadratic acceleration.
- 09:41That means in my problem from the lottery wheel that I started with in the Grover algorithm, we wouldn't have to do 100 times
- 09:49into the lottery drum, but only ten times into the lottery drum to draw the main prize. This is the
- 09:57Grover algorithm.
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