Certificate Verification

The certificate for the verification code xogaz-nured-syric-rufuk-niguk is valid.

openHPI verifies that the candidate completed the course Quantum Computing for Natural Sciences (with IBM Quantum) and passed the necessary exercises and exams to earn a course certificate.

Gain a Record of Achievement by earning at least 50% of the maximum number of points from all graded assignments.

Find out more in the certificate guidelines.

User Info

Issued for: Mark Veerasingam

Certificate Info

Certificate type: Record of Achievement

Issued at: 2023-09-13

Result: 18.4 of 30.0 points (61.3%)

Open Badge

Open Badge

Course Info

Quantum Computing for Natural Sciences (with IBM Quantum)

Quantum Computing for Natural Sciences (with IBM Quantum)

Offered by: Max Rossmannek, Alexander Miessen, Julian Schuhmacher, Laurin Fischer

Course dates: Sep 06, 2023 to Sep 26, 2023